
Essay On Foster Care

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Presented in this part is different literatures regarding the vulnerability of foster care children in developing mental health problems and its association with social interaction. Literature also included is possible causes of why these children develop mental health problems and its implications.
In the past quarter century there has been increasing evidence that the quality of parental care in the early years is vital in the future mental health of children. (Bowlby, 1953)
In a study by Fawzy & Fouad (2010), among 294 children ages 6-12 years old in 4 orphanages 21% had depression, 45% had anxiety and 23% had low-esteem, this study concluded that there is high rates of emotional problems in children under foster care.
Many children are placed in foster care in the early years of life where the brain undergoes significant developmental changes, and they have usually undergone abuse and significant neglect in their lives resulting in them not experiencing a stable nurturing environment for them to develop normally in. At around 3-4 years of age the personality and emotional development of …show more content…

(2012) in Dakahlia orphanages in Egypt among the 262 children they tested 20% of them have depression, which the researchers attributed to factors before admission such as trauma from separation and relocation from a relative to a foster home, and after admission such as insecurity and environmental factors in the foster

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