
Five Emotions In 'Pixar Disney Film Inside Out'

Decent Essays

In the short Pixar Disney film “Inside Out” it discusses the life of a young girl by the name of Riley. The film shows five different emotions as they follow her through her growing stages of life. The five emotions consist of Joy, Fear, Sadness, Anger and Disgust. These five emotions help to make up young Riley’s personality. They also assist Riley in making each and every decision she makes. The decisions are often thought of in just a moment's notice. The main character outside of Riley is Joy. Joy is a character played by Amy Poehler, who often helps Riley make logical choices. Joy is the emotion that has the most logical thoughts when it comes to Riley. She helps her to see that things in life can be good and enjoyable. When Riley does something fun Joy is the one behind it. Joy also controls the other emotions, well providing them with guidance and assistance whenever she can. Joy helps Riley by making her think happy thoughts, helping her get over her fears, and by helping her to use her emotions to the best of her abilities. …show more content…

For example, when Riley is walking down the street with her mom to get pizza, she was happy and Getty and ready to go eat pizza with her mom and have a great time. Riley was sitting at the table with her mom eating and had a flashback and quickly remembered that her dad’s new job causes him not to be around as often. She got sad and then Joy thought quickly but logically on her feet and put the thought of old family memories in Riley’s head which helped her to not be as sad. Riley would soon be starting at her new school and was fairly

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