
Final Project Essay Questions

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1. At the end of Module Three, you identified your selected topic and associated philosophers and resources for your Final Project paper. For this part of the Final Project, you will prepare a “prospectus” of your final essay by answering the following essay questions. This prospectus is due at the end of Module Five. The feedback you receive from your instructor on this prospectus will inform your Final Project essay. Using the topic you selected for your Final Project essay, respond to all five of the following questions below: 1. Briefly explain the problem you have chosen. How does it arise, and what issues does it present? The problem I have chosen is “Pain is part of the body’s warning system”. Pain can arise from our feelings being hurt to damage being caused to our body. I will be discussing the latter since it is pain that lets us know that we are not just alive, but experiencing the uncomfortableness that makes us know something is wrong, and we need to pay attention to whatever the source is that is causing us discomfort. 2. What three resources have you chosen to use as you develop your final essay? Provide full bibliographic information AND a brief statement (three sentences maximum) of the main point of each of them. Remember that these …show more content…

In my case, there were no signs that I had testicular cancer, and the only reason I went to the hospital is because of an allergy to a specific medicine. I am also an adrenaline junky, meaning, I love outdoor sports that are particularly dangerous like; drag racing, shooting sports, hunting extreme terrain, flying, and more. While logic might tell me it’s too dangerous to put myself at risk in these hobbies (especially at 52 years old), the endorphins released in my brain quickly override the sensation of fear when participating in this type of excitement. While pain is still part of the warning system, adrenaline can, and often does cause me to ignore those

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