
Famous Playwright Research Paper

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William Shakespeare: Famous Playwright and Actor "Nothing will come of nothing." This quote is from Shakespeare's King Lear. “When you put nothing in, you get nothing back.” Quotes like this show how influential Shakespeare is today. Even from looking at events in his life, you can tell that he went by this quote during his life. He didn’t just become famous or rich overnight. He had to put in some work. He started out as the son of a man who dabbles in many things, and eventually after a lot of criticism, he performed in front of Queen Elizabeth the 1st and became rich enough to own the second biggest house in Stratford. His career began when he: “...writes Henry VI, Part One—his very first play...Shakespeare leaves Stratford to begin work as a playwright and actor in London...Playwright Robert Greene pens a scathing critique of …show more content…

Shakespeare still affects people today, he slowly gained influence throughout his life, and his memory has lasted even till today. Shakespeare is the most influential person in the United States and …show more content…

When looking at the today, Shakespeare’s memory has lasted for less than 500 years, and is still likely to last because of his great works, and the movies and books depicting his work. The movies of his plays, and the book full of all of his plays. “Shakespeare’s work was performed throughout the next hundred years as his fame and reputation grew throughout the country.” Although we may not know how long his influence and memory will last exactly, it’ll get really hard to forget someone who introduced so many words to the English language and so many good works to enjoy in many different forms. In fact, the reason his memory is alive is because of old colleagues and friends that put all of his plays into a single book, called a folio, and because some people passed down many memories of him.

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