
Explain Why I Want To Go To Urbana

Satisfactory Essays

Why I want to enter the University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana Division Pre-Med Program I had originally written an essay on how I was going to enter the division of general studies. It was about three weeks ago and I was really going to apply there. I wrote this wonderful rough draft. Okay exaggeration on the wonderful part and part of it was for my english class. However, it was an essay on my application for the division of general studies at U of I Champaign/Urbana. Since I had three weeks to think about it and a lot of parental “attention” I decided on something. Wait that’s wrong I didn’t decide on something. It was more of I got hospitalized from a flare up of Crohn's Disease and I had to be in St. John’s for two days. I thought about it and realized that I could help people like the doctors that helped me and have a job where I would work with the people that would help me. …show more content…

I have a few ideas. Perhaps a radiologist, a medical researcher, a family doctor, a surgeon, neurologist or an anesthesiologist. I haven’t decided on anything because I imagine that college will narrow down my path and point me in the direction of my future. I can think of no better college than the University of Illinois which can help me do this. Despite this I realize that I might change my major over the course of my studies at U of I so I am declaring my secondary choice of a major as Engineering. I have always had a way with numbers and I love seeing how things work. I loved to watch modern marvels when it was still running on tv. Seeing how all those products got made gave me a sense of awe as to what I wanted to do in the future. The reason it’s not my primary choice is my desire to help others. I want to be a doctor and help others achieve a better state of

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