
Personal Statement: A Career As A Fire Fighter

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Why A Fire Fighter? A couple years ago if someone were to ask me what I wanted to do for the rest of my life I would quickly change the conversation and dodge the question. That girl just wanted to continue to play D1 softball and graduate college with a four-year degree. The only idea I had after college was that I wanted to help and protect people. I ended up getting my degree in psychology and thought I found what I was looking for and had it all figured out. I thought to myself this is what I want to do. This career will allow me to help people, and be the one they turn to. But something felt wrong when I was just sitting behind a desk, in the same room all day just listening to people talk about their problems. I knew I liked psychology, but it was not something I loved. So I thought long and hard about quitting my job and leaving that part of my life behind. That part of my life that took four years to accomplish, late nights, and countless of hours of work. I knew that I would have not been happy sitting behind a desk for the rest of my life, so I left that part of my life behind me. The only direction I really had was the fact that I wanted to be helping people. To be the person that someone could turn to when their world fell apart. I wanted to be that person they could count on and rely on. I also knew only a few professions would allow …show more content…

I believe the brotherhood in the fire service means a group of individuals who are connected by a mission, and their mission is to serve and protect. They are people you can count on, at any time of the day while others turn away. They are people who take pride in what they do, because that’s all they know. Fire fighters protect their community without thinking twice about it, and they are usually the heroes that go unnoticed to the

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