Ways to avoid plagiarism is by giving credit for words, paraphrases and ideas that come from another persons work. It can also be avoided by putting quotation marks around words that come form a source and then give the source. Journalist can avoid plagiarism by acknowledging material that has been borrowed and giving the readers the information needed to find the source. Another way it can be avoided is by noting an idea that was taken from someone’s work.
There are several ways that students can avoid plagiarism. The best way is to be informed
In order for me to avoid plagiarism, I start by writing the paper with what I know about the topic without the influence of other writers. Whenever an area needs to be emphasized or supported, I search for an article to support the facts. I then read the content of the material to understand the writer’s message, then I write it in my own words, making sure what I write is properly cited to give credit to the author. Other times, I use direct quotation and properly cite the reference in my text to avoid any plagiarism. I also make sure the reference appears on the Reference
Avoiding plagiarism in academic writing is something that must be taken seriously by both faculty and students. Many online tools exist that can be used to avoid plagiarism, both for the student and the faculty member. As simple as plagiarism is to do, plagiarizing is just as easy to get caught. Students who resort to plagiarism during their college years do so to due to laziness or even poor time management. All this is being done when the students should be trying to learn to be better writers. But by plagiarizing they are only hurting themselves, when they will not be able to write successfully a paper of any kind when asked to do so. Learning to be a successful writer is a crucial part of the college experience. Students who do not learn to become effective writers will feel the effects of this after they finish college and enter the working world. Graduates will soon learn and wish that they had taken the time to build their writing skills while in school.
Here is a short video on plagiarism. This video discusses: what plagiarism is, when citations are needed and tips to avoid plagiarizing. It also gives additional websites to get more information on APA, MLA and plagiarizing.
From the Article Skills and Strategies/Understanding Plagiarism in a Digital Age by Lionel Anderson and Katherine Schulten. From this information I found out that lots of people think plagiarism is just “copying” and “borrowing” but the article said that it can also be a serious offense. For example, if I write a story and someone writes almost the same exact thing as me I am gonna get mad because I gave them all those ideas of the book they write they are taking credit for my ideas. According to U.S. law, the expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions so in that case, they could go to jail.I this case I agree with the Authors Lionel Anderson
The type of plagiarism that is the hardest for me to avoid is paraphrasing. “Paraphrasing allows you to put the author’s ideas into your own words” (Bethel University, 2015). I find myself using more of the author’s words because I am afraid that I will change the meaning if I use my own. The best way for me to avoid this type of plagiarism is to simply compare what I write to the original and to be sure that I am not summarizing the information. The difference between writing a summary and paraphrasing is the amount of detail that is included; a paraphrase is not as concise as a summary (Bethel University, 2014).
Plagiarism is common in schools, working places, and anywhere in general. Since it is such a common thing, people do it without even blinking an eye. Though you may think it will benefit you, plagiarism is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It can effect the person you are stealing from, their grades, work, or possibly get them fired. It is also considered stealing, and cheating. This would be breaking the Ten Commandments, as a Christian, and would be seen as a sin. In the end, plagiarism prevents you from learning and growing as a person and you will not benefit from it in a positively.
Plagiarism. It’s a concept that puts sour looks on teachers’ faces and sends shudders down students’ spines. When you sit down to write that essay, however, you don’t have to be afraid of unintentionally committing plagiarism. Simply take the time to understand exactly what plagiarism is and the best methods for avoiding it. If you follow these easy tips, you can make sure that you create work that doesn’t inadvertently steal ideas or words.
Proper notetaking while doing research will help avoid plagiarism. Notes should include quotation marks around any exact words taken from sources.
Dr. Karen Jackson the director of the writing studio was our speaker on professional writing. She explained, that if you do these three things correctly that you would not plagiarize. Paraphrasing is when you use the authors ideas but put them in your own words. You will also give credit to the author for their idea. Direct quotation is when you are stating the exact words. This means you will write it exactly how it was said. Lastly, summarizing is choosing the important information from a text and summing it up in your own words. I learned that you still have to include in-text citation for summarizing as well. I picked up a few tips of my own over the years that were not brought up during this presentation. I learned there are websites like “scribber.com” that can check your paper for
There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple rules suggested by Ober et al. (2012).
I can avoid plagiarism and keep my integrity by doing my own work and using my own ideas on articles I read. I can also avoid plagiarism by remembering the consequences if I do commit plagiarism. Again I should always run my work threw the center for writing excellence. The college has no tolerance for plagiarism and I have to uphold to that.
In the discussion over plagiarism factors responsible for it , methods to avoid plagiarism and proper difference between a material which is plagiarized and one which is mistaken to be plagiarized is understood. As often there is a confusion over this. Plagiarism is a important concept to know and the ways to avoid them must also be learned. It is very important to give proper credit to the contributions of other people. It shows that there is due regard and recognition to their hard work. Plagiarism is more common in academic world. There is a increasing lure among the students and professors job complicates. Learning a concept and the ability to portray what was learned earns due respect . Here is a famous quote which depicts the importance of learning and gaining knowledge rather than just copying other persons views
If you follow these basic steps, then you will be able to avoid plagiarism in all of
Plagiarism is using information that is obtained from another source without giving credit to that source. This can mean using the exact words of another writer, or it can mean taking the ideas of another writer and putting them into your own words. This is known as paraphrasing. In both situations, students should make sure they indicate the name of the writer and the location of the article they found it in. If students do not include this information, it is a form of stealing. The concept of stealing something that is intellectual property may be unusual for some students to understand at first, but it is really quite simple. The ideas and words that someone else has taken the time to compose belong to that person. To use those ideas and words without giving credit to that person is like stealing that writer's work. That is why it is important to let your reader know where you got the original idea from. It is not difficult for students to avoid plagiarism as long as they understand what the concept means. Once they understand what it means, they can learn how to avoid it in the ways this paper will show.