
Examples Of Trust In The Crucible

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In The Crucible there are many smaller arguments occurring. One of these smaller arguments is trust. This is an argument because consistently John Proctor argues why all of the townspeople trust Abigail and the girls and question everyone except them. John says, “If she is innocent! Why do you never wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigail? Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clean as God’s fingers?” (Miller 77). John says this to Hale when his wife, Elizabeth, is accused of witchcraft. John knows that Elizabeth is innocent but no one will question Abigail, which is relating to trust since all of townspeople fully trust Abigail they don’t believe that she would lie about Elizabeth being a witch. When John is talking to Hale and he says, “Is the accuser always holy now?” He is showing that the townspeople praise Abigail for condemning people to prison or to death with no real proof. The people treat her like she is a Saint even though she is lying to them and just trying to get revenge on people that have wronged her. For example, she is condemning Elizabeth because she wants John all for herself. When John is …show more content…

The townspeople are too afraid of the idea of witchcraft and the devil that they are blinded by their fear that they can’t see that there is no evidence and that Abigail could be lying. This fear rules them and causes them to turn on each other and accuse neighbors. Fear can cause anyone to think illogically, which is exactly what happened in The Crucible with the townspeople. They were so scared that they just wanted to get rid of all the witches no matter what evidence there was. They wanted to be safe from the devil since they were such devoted Puritans that they couldn't’ stand the idea of the devil being around them, so they decided to get rid of anyone linked to him. That is how fear ruled through Salem during these witch trials, but trust was still a smaller argument in this

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