
How Did John Proctor Influence Abigail Williams

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The Effect Proctor Could Have on Williams When getting wrapped up in the play of The Crucible there are many obvious things that could be altered to stop the conflict. Many would have different views on ways to go about these changes. But if it was considered to be done from a characters point of view, that would change a few things. First of all, who would be a good influence on the act and what act would they be altering? There are many different options but to help this conflict all around, Mr. John Proctor would be the one to influence Abigail Williams most effectively and possibly stop her from attacking many other people and forming incorrect accusations. In the beginning of The Crucible there are many accusations that take place and some were not valid. Miss Abigail Williams is the one pointing fingers most, and if Mr. John Proctor said a few things she might change her ways. If he could convince her that pointing fingers won’t get her out of the trouble, then she may consider backing down. One of the times when she accuses someone, she does it in a way to take the attention off of herself. For example, “HALE: Abigail, it may be your cousin is dying. Did you call the Devil last night? ABIGAIL: I never called him! Tituba, Tituba..” (Act 1, pg 1152, lines …show more content…

After a day or two Abigail had managed to accuse so many girls that they started putting them in jail. Elizabeth makes a comment about how many girls are in the jail, “John, with so many in the jail, more than Cheever’s help is needed now, I think…” (Act 2, pg 1168, lines 17-18) If Mr. Proctor could bring to mind that putting people in jail doesn’t solve the problem, then maybe she would slow down on her accusations. There is a chance, however, that Abigail not be affected by John, but she seemed so attached to him that he could persuade her into anything if he

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