
Examples Of Loyalty In Antigone

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Within the play, Antigone makes a major decision whether to express her loyalty to her family or to the law under Creon’s rule, in which she ultimately chooses her family. The first image that is under the family side of the poster is a picture of Antigone and her two brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles. After the death of her father, Oedipus, Antigone had a sense of responsibility to return to Thebes to try and save her brothers from a fight that was most likely going to end in death. When she arrived, she was given news that they had both died, but only Eteocles had a proper burial. Despite the fact that Polyneices was seen as a traitor for fighting on the opposing side, Antigone made sure she gave him the burial he deserved as a sign of her loyalty and dedication to him. As a result, Antigone was caught and imprisoned by Creon, which is represented by the picture of a jail cell. Even knowing that she had disobeyed Creon’s orders, Antigone did not regret choosing her family and the morals they carried with them at all. Antigone’s strong belief that her brother should have had …show more content…

The images of Creon and the book demonstrate how Antigone would have to follow and live by Creon’s rules now, and not by the rules that her father carried. For instance, in this situation Antigone would have to just accept the fact that Polyneices would not get the burial like Eteocles did and perform no actions to change that, which is shown by the imagine of Antigone burying her brother. In addition, if there was a chance Ismene had this idea of burying Polyneices and Antigone knew about it, by law she would have to report it to Creon to punish her for her unjust actions. Following and obeying Creon’s orders might seem like the best choice for the community, but she knew it wasn’t the best option for herself or her family that deserved all her

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