
Essay On Antigone Vs Creon

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“He’s honoring one with a full funeral and treating the other one disgracefully!”(Line’s 26-27) Antigone is opposed to her uncle Creon unlike his pointless actions. Antigone is sallow, withdrawn, and recalcitrant. Creon is powerfully built, but a weary man who suffers the burdens the rule. Antigone and him don’t have a good bond nor do they like each other because of his personality. He tells Antigone that he’s only interested in his political and social order. Creon is simplicity.
Antigone’s words, actions and ideas contrast with Creon’s characters to the point of these two characters having conflicting motivations. These Conflicting motivations cause the characteristics of abomination, discourteous, and egocentric to be highlighted within Creon’s character. Ultimately, these conflicting motivations develop Creon a tragic hero by his downfalls, how he’s been aggressive, and also when Haemon and Antigone killed their selves.
Antigone’s words, actions, and ideas contrast with Creon’s character by his downfall because of Antigone braying her brother, Polyneices. Antigone said, “Let that be your excuse. I’m going now to make a burial mound for my dear brother.”(Line’s 99-100) Antigone is the type of person who thinks if one can get buried than the other deserves to be buried right along …show more content…

He doesn’t believe in any gods. He lost control of his own self. He was selfish and didn’t care about nobody or their feelings. A tragic hero also has some type of flaw. Creon is a tragic hero because of his hatred journey he took. Creon, as king of Thebes, is at the top of the social leader. He’s not only king, he is also possessed frailty, which qualify him to make some major mistakes. He was aggressive and mean at the beginning. Towards the end he feels empty and a mad sad mood. He didn’t think that they both would commit suicide. This is how Antigone contrasts Creon into a tragic

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