
Loyalty In Antigone

Decent Essays

"Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family"-Chris Diaz. I think that this quote describes the story of Antigone very well. In reading this story, I feel that I am most similar to Ismene. First and foremost because she has a lot of blood relatives; however, not all of them have good intentions, and some of them are even enemies to their own family. Nevertheless, it is those that are the most loyal to her, and stand beside the choices that she makes, that she knows are her true family. I can relate to this because it is the same way in my life; I have a very large extended family but I would believe some of them to be true family and others to be just "relatives". Furthermore, some of the other ways that we are similar is through what …show more content…

Others see her as being mean and rude because she chooses not to talk to many people. Even though she may seem this way, in reality she is just more of a shy and reserved person around those she does not know as well or feel comfortable with. They may think she is way too egotistical because she holds her head up and walks with confidence, even though the reasons that she does this may not be for the reasons that they believe. She does this because she is royalty and it is expected of her, because she was raised to be a good example to others and to portray confidence in herself at all times. Therefore, that is exactly what she tries to do, but it causes others to form their differing opinions of her. I know that this is also the way that I can come across to my peers around me because I have had them tell me this to my face. I know that I can come across as confident and bumptious when I am not talking to those around me, when in reality I am just a hard person to get to open up if I am not comfortable and trusting of those that I am with. While my parents have raised me to be a confident and caring young lady, sometimes it takes me a little while to feel comfortable and trusting enough with people to let the "real me" shine through. This explains all about Ismene's …show more content…

In my understanding this explains how no one ever really knows what is actually fully happening around them, even when they believe that they do. They may be so focused on the enemy in the distance that they do not notice the enemy that may be standing right beside them. I believe that this compares to when Ismene was willing to take the blame for burying Polynices; she didn't know that, had they believed her, she would have been locked in the cave to die as well. But she was acting upon love and what she believed was the right and loyal thing to do because he was family, and that is why I see myself and Ismene as being similar in being loving and loyal to fault. Lastly, some of the similarities I see in my mind are our appearance and schooling, along with family. Neither one of us may trust or open up easily but, when we do, we will fight for what we believe until the

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