
Examples Of Greed In The Hobbit

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After the armistice in 1918, Ronald Tolkien had already been applying to various academic jobs. He successfully claimed a job working in the Oxford dictionary, and then as a Professor at the University of Leeds. Finally, he applied to Oxford University and became Professor Tolkien of the Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon. At Oxford, he would write scholarly publications, but otherwise, his life at the school was quite unremarkable. Despite, the unremarkable life of the Professor, Oxford was a second home to him as his studies built upon his image of a middle earth. For example, in the university, he had formed a group called “The Inklings” that critiqued each other's writings. In this group, Tolkien met CS Lewis and aided …show more content…

When Tolkien had been a young boy in South Africa he had seen a particularly hairy spider that has become a recurrent theme within his books. In the Hobbit, this spider is reiterated as the hairy beasts that capture the dwarves. The spider's defeat are also the first show of heroism that Bilbo accomplishes. Furthermore, the book explores the idea of greed and what occurs due to the evil of this will. Smaug, a dragon is obsessed with collecting gold and treasure forcing the dwarves from their kingdom who had been ruled over by a leader also filled with the love of wealth. The dwarves, who appear to have good intentions in winning back their own gold, take up arms to defeat Smaug. Although, once the dwarves finally receive the wealth of the dwarvish kingdom, Thorin grows in greed and refusing to distribute the gold as once had been agreed upon. Furthermore, he refuses to pay back Lake Town, a land once wealthy as a primary trading area, as the dragon Smaug had fled the castle and laid destruction on the town. This greed iterates the Christian belief that material goods lead to greed and how pursuits of material gain lead to corruption. JRR Tolkien’s faith played a role in deciding the evil in middle

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