
Examples Of Being Extrovert Essay

Decent Essays

“I am not famous, I am extroverted” My friends in school think that I am just a normal with no life at all. However, outside of school, I have a whole different kind of personality which is being extroverted. I disagree with my friends in school that I have no life and have not many friends. In my friends’ perspective, being extroverted means being very famous and is the kind of person who stands out from the rest, but for me, it just means that I can relate to other people by having a kind heart and an open mind. The word extrovert came from the Latin word “extro” meaning extra and “vertere” meaning turn. Having said this, the real meaning of the word is if the person has an attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative. However, people who are extroverted have a different approach of the meaning. These people think that people should be famous to be extroverted. Being famous leads to having more friends. Having more friends means they have more social life and they feel that they belong with the cool people. These feeling cool people often …show more content…

Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day, we voted him as VP. However, we already doubted his capability of leading the class because of his feeling cool attitude, rude, and boastful attitude. Having officers like this would not even lead us to nothing. He was a type of person that will just pass out the fault to other people. He says that its not my fault, it’s the class’ fault. Obviously, this affects us because we did not do anything then he blames us. There was one time wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be noisy. When our class advisers knew about this, he would suspect the people who is very noisy all the time. However, these are the one that are noisy, even the officers are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or the leaders cannot admit that they did this because they are afraid to be impeached or

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