
Examples Of Ambition In Macbeth

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In Macbeth, William Shakespeare writes about a lad whose life starts going downhill after he meets three sister witches on a deserted moor who can predict the future. Macbeth is a thane in Scotland who has supported and fought for King Duncan. The kinds rewards Macbeth with a new title, Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, are disappointed that Macbeth has not been crowned King of Scotland and plan to murder Duncan due to his unsettling decision to crown his own son, Malcolm, king, instead of Macbeth. After killing the king, Macbeth is filled with the ambition to kill many other people, to assure himself that he will not be crowned king. Obviously, killing people is not the best solution to any problem one may have, so murderous …show more content…

He is also very indecisive, which can sometimes add to one’s ambition. This is true because once two sides are in place, and one can’t decide which overpowers the other, it makes them feel like they have to convince themselves into thinking that one of them is right and the other one is wrong. When this is done, the decision is often more powerful and filled with ambition since the person had to push themselves even more than they originally would have to choose a side. Ambition. Wow, what a strong and meaningful word. In both examples above, Macbeth’s leading cause of ambition is the idea of murdering King Duncan. In each speech, the reader feels like Macbeth’s ambition is going against him causing him to be extremely indecisive. Ambition, if a book was a meal, would be the seasoning on top projecting the flavorful tastes into the mouth of the person lucky enough to eat this meal, or in this case, read this book. Ambition adds dimension and feeling to a story, making the reader find obvious connections and similarities to the featured characters. It is very important to study and learn about ambition because it is hard for a story to have depth or even properly show the characters’ feelings without it. Out of all of the literary devices and grammar tools, the skill of being able to add ambition to a story being written is probably the most important ability for any good writer to

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