
Evaluation Of The Preservice Teacher Survey Instrument

Decent Essays

1. Where is the Preservice Teacher Survey instrument?
Results and the 2015 ODHE Performance Report (SSA exhibits: Preservice Teacher Survey Results 2014-2016.xlsx and ODHE Performance Report Final 2015.pdf provides data related to these two instruments. The EPP provided data on the Preservice Teacher Survey instrument, three cycles of the entire instrument and alignment to the strands and one cycle of data by program. The Preservice Teacher Survey strand data is not disaggregated by program. The EPP did not provide a copy of the Preservice Teacher Survey instrument. The EPP did not provide an analysis of the data and assess how this data is used for program improvement or candidate development.

The next four questions can be addressed through the same pieces of evidence

2. How does the EPP assure that all candidates have varied clinical experiences? (information above covers this question broadly – but doesn’t answer the question about tracking students to know that they get a varied clinical experience)

3. How does the EPP assure that all candidates have diverse clinical experiences?
(information above covers this question broadly – but doesn’t answer the question about tracking students to know that they get a diverse clinical experience)

4. What is the duration of each clinical experience?

The Field Experience - Candidate Info Sheet SSA exhibit provided evidence on each candidate’s background, experience working with diverse populations, interest, expectation of

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