1. Where is the Preservice Teacher Survey instrument?
Results and the 2015 ODHE Performance Report (SSA exhibits: Preservice Teacher Survey Results 2014-2016.xlsx and ODHE Performance Report Final 2015.pdf provides data related to these two instruments. The EPP provided data on the Preservice Teacher Survey instrument, three cycles of the entire instrument and alignment to the strands and one cycle of data by program. The Preservice Teacher Survey strand data is not disaggregated by program. The EPP did not provide a copy of the Preservice Teacher Survey instrument. The EPP did not provide an analysis of the data and assess how this data is used for program improvement or candidate development.
The next four questions can be addressed through the same pieces of evidence
2. How does the EPP assure that all candidates have varied clinical experiences? (information above covers this question broadly – but doesn’t answer the question about tracking students to know that they get a varied clinical experience)
3. How does the EPP assure that all candidates have diverse clinical experiences?
(information above covers this question broadly – but doesn’t answer the question about tracking students to know that they get a diverse clinical experience)
4. What is the duration of each clinical experience?
The Field Experience - Candidate Info Sheet SSA exhibit provided evidence on each candidate’s background, experience working with diverse populations, interest, expectation of
Finding information about the Haberman Star Teacher Prescreener has been an interesting journey. Due to technical difficulties at the Haberman Educational Foundation securing a copy of the questionnaire took repeated phone calls and internet attempts. This, however, allowed me to develop a relationship with Delia Strafford, President & CEO of the Haberman Educational Foundation (HEF) and strong proponent of the Haberman Star Teacher Prescreener (HSTP). Working with Delia I was able to secure a demonstration copy of the HSTP to use.
This paper will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) from the perspective of a future school leader. As a future leader the main point is to understand the purpose of TKES, which is to increase achievement for all students, identify areas of strength and growth for teachers and individualize professional growth based on specific results or needs.
For staff, parents and community members, a survey can be a highly effective tool in gathering data. Questions for staff could include the training backgrounds and language fluency of district instructional personnel, the number of trained support staff available, along with relevant experience, personal observations and educated recommendations. It is important to ascertain early whether there are sufficient, qualified
Since 1997, the primary tool for teacher evaluation was the Professional Development and Appraisal System better known as PDAS. Due to significant efforts to enhance both teacher effectiveness and “student learning and growth,” the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) was elaborated (TEA, 2016, p. 3). The T-TESS was designed by educators to support continuous improvement by focusing on “feedback and support,” “moving the mindset away from compliance” (TEA, 2016, p. 3).
Elizabeth Public Schools (Union County) is the fourth largest by enrollment district in the State of New Jersey. Approximately, there are 23.000 students enrolled in the school system. There are 31 schools in the district.
This survey spans across the mid-level and high-level schools of United States, which are believed to represent a cross-section of the national population. About 66 – 80% of the American schools participate in the survey on an average, and the students’ participation rate stands at an average of 79 – 83%.
The challenge for this study was to put together the data from these various files to determine the number of treatment and/or comparison teachers who had sufficient data for inclusion in each of the analyses. The sample selection data analysis for each of the research questions will be described in the following sub-sections:
The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, or INTASC, principles were developed in 1987 to provide beginner teachers with a guideline of how they should perform. In total there are ten INTASC principles: Knowledge of Subject Matter, Human Development and Learning, Diversity in Learning, Variety of Instructional Strategies, Motivation and Management, Communication Skills, Instructional Planning Skills, Assessment, Reflection and Responsibility, and Relationships and Partnerships. These ten principles align with National Board for Professional Teaching standards. This ensures that beginning teachers are aware of what is expected of them. The INTASC principles provides teachers with a tool they can use to become
North Carolina schools administer the Teacher Working Condition Survey (TWCS) every two years. This survey is used to help provide goals for School Districts and School Improvement Team at each school. It is an anonymous survey that asked questions about teacher empowerment, leadership, facilities and resources, and more.
A transfer support system is critical to measuring the effects of training. Since I am a teacher, measuring the effects of training on students and teachers plays a very important role in my life. This year I pre-assessed all of my students before each unit of study. I used the data from the pre-assessments to determine their level of knowledge about the unit of study. By using the pre-assessment data I was able to write individualized instructional objectives for each of my students. I believe this enhanced my understanding of how diverse my classroom is and how it is very important to evaluate each student individually. This provides support to design well-designed lesson plans and assessment. This year I wanted to incorporate higher
I feel draw to the PA profession. Its model about relationship building, holistic health prevention in addition to provide treatment, and quality time with patients resonate with my personality and passion. The career also allows me to be a life-long learner by having the flexibility of transition to multiple specialties if needed. With the PA career in mind, I enrolled in competitive prerequisite classes to test my aptitude for medicine-based
As an undergraduate student at North Georgia, I have experienced some of the most memorable moments of my life, which include creating friendships, exploring new ways of thinking, and gaining newfound knowledge and perception of the world around me. The positive atmosphere that surrounds the college instills a unique sense of camaraderie between students and professors. The values and traditions implemented by the University have molded me into a more mature and rounded individual. Because of my success as an undergraduate at North Georgia, I wish to remain at this institution for the remainder of my college career. The doctorate of physical therapy program has persistently displayed student success through remarkable pass rates on the state
The quantitative method for this study is being used because of the statistical, arithmetical, or a numerical study of facts gathered through surveys, and questionnaires (Babbie, 2010). The quantitative will allow to measure before and after. This quantitative research is significant because it will statistically show the number of teachers that improve with a before and after test design. The methodology will be a Quantitative Quasi-Experimental Pre-Post Test Design.
The new changes No Child Left Behind laws were passed earlier in 2010 stresses the importance of education has to be our main concern to ensure that our children are getting quality education. The legislation is called “Performance Counts,” It reevaluates tenure laws and evaluation. This means that teachers are evaluated and being laid off because of their performance in the classrooms. No matter how long the teacher has been in his/her position that still wouldn’t keep them in their position because of their low performance. Over the next 10 years the focus will be to prepare hundreds of new teachers in STEM science, technology, engineering, and math (Mclatchy, 2010). The program is to encourage students in the STEM field or alternative teacher certification programs to switch their careers if they choose to. For
The EPP, in the SSR, provided the following evidence to address Standard 2: Preservice Teacher Survey Instrument and Results, Resident Educator Survey instrument and results, edTPA candidate data, Lesson plan and data, newspaper articles of partnerships, READ MOU, Technology Fellows, and planning meetings, professional development flyers, UMU Technology Conference Sessions, EDU 218 Educational Technology syllabus and lesson plan data, EDU 215 Multicultural Education syllabus, Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher Evaluation instrument and data, Clinical Practice and Seminar old and current survey instruments and data, TANF Town Poverty Simulation reflections, Career Readiness Project, and Marietta College Partnership Rubric and data.