
Questions On Clinical Partnerships And Practice Essay

Better Essays

STANDARD 2: Clinical Partnerships and Practice

1. Summary of preliminary findings a. Narrative summary of preliminary findings

The EPP, in the SSR, provided the following evidence to address Standard 2: Preservice Teacher Survey Instrument and Results, Resident Educator Survey instrument and results, edTPA candidate data, Lesson plan and data, newspaper articles of partnerships, READ MOU, Technology Fellows, and planning meetings, professional development flyers, UMU Technology Conference Sessions, EDU 218 Educational Technology syllabus and lesson plan data, EDU 215 Multicultural Education syllabus, Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher Evaluation instrument and data, Clinical Practice and Seminar old and current survey instruments and data, TANF Town Poverty Simulation reflections, Career Readiness Project, and Marietta College Partnership Rubric and data.

The EPP has also sought feedback utilizing a variety of tools (lesson plan, alumni survey, admission to the program interview, etc.). The EPP stated that inservice teachers and administrators showed greater interest in the EPP’s Lesson Plan Rubric. The EPP used that feedback to discuss comparisons of the P-12 requirements for lesson plans, as they vary by district. The EPP did not provide evidence related to the feedback from the partners and how this information is being used for program improvement or candidate development.

The EPP also provided data regarding their partnerships and clinical experiences

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