
Essay On Physician Impairment

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Physicians are a crucial part of the healthcare team that aids in healing and betterment of all aspects of patient care. However, there is a prevalence of between five and fifteen percent of physician that suffer from a part of impairment that affects their position and can affect patient care (Griffith). Physician impairment can range on a spectrum from alcohol abuse to depression. It is important to address these concerns for proper patient safety. In order to effectively diagnose and provide treatment, it is important that all members of the medical staff, administration and the board work together to provide aid to the concerning physician.
Many physicians possess a strong drive for achievement, exceptional conscientiousness and an ability to deny personal problems. These attributes are advantages for success in medicine, while providing predisposition to impairment (Boisaubin). Physicians can be impaired by age, physical or mental disease, declining cognitive ability, personal trauma, disruptive behavior, alcohol abuse, abuse of addictive drugs, behavior instability and depression. Personal and …show more content…

Aging and uncorrectable physical or mental disability must force reduction of privileges. Alcoholism, abuse of addictive drugs, behavior instability, and depression are common among physicians. State medical societies are designed for treatment of depression and substance abuse. A well-managed healthcare system will make arrangements to assist the physicians practice while he or she is in recovery so that patients receive acceptable care, un-interrupting the physician-patient relationship or physicians income. A well-managed healthcare system should have a committee to address impaired physicians and coordinate with the physicians committee. The credentials committee is accountable for the recommendation of suspension or removal of privileges

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