
Physician Assistant Essay

Decent Essays

The physician assistant profession is extremely versatile and flexible which are wonderful traits for a healthcare provider. In part because of their core generalist education, physician assistants can change clinical specialties over the course of their work life; using medical care providers who can adapt quickly to new opportunities could help alleviate medical workforce shortages in primary care (Hooker, Cawley, & Leinweber, 2009). Their license allows them to practice any specialty that their supervising physician practices, which in turn allows physician assistants to fill necessary gaps as needed. This “Career Flexibility” gives physician assistants an edge over nurse practitioners and physicians who tend to be bound to one …show more content…

Physician Assistants can be used to fill these voids for primary medicine and insure healthcare facilities are able to meet their demand at any given time. Should the need for any specialty ever arise at a healthcare facility, whether it be cardiology, dermatology, orthopedics, emergency medicine, surgery or any other specialty, on staff physician assistants can be trained into those roles. Naturally this creates a high demand for this profession and it continues to increase. This is what the creators of the PA profession had in mind when they developed it in the 1960’s. They believed generalist-trained assistants who worked closely with physicians and would require a shorter period of training would enable them to respond to the marketplace demand of various surgical and medical roles. Aside from the obvious benefits to hospitals and other medical facilities, the career flexibility can be very rewarding to the PAs themselves. Some specialties such as surgery and emergency medicine maybe considered having more stressful situations than dermatology or orthopedics. Should a PA find themselves where they no longer want to be in such stressful situations, they would feel more comfortable in knowing that switching specialties is a much more realistic option when compared to physicians and nurse

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