The company has a strategic goal is to develop as the world’s leading brand in the premium automobile segment. This vision is the core of Audi's 10 year strategy called Strategy 2020 spanning from 2010 to 2020.
According to Audi has a brand value of $12.8 Billion Dollars making it one of the most valuable brands in the world (39th Rank in Forbes study as of May 2015). Audi has maintained it's logo since 1932. The four interlinked rings that represent the car company's emblem dates back to 1932 when four German auto companies merged together to form Auto Union, which was an Audi predecessor. Details about the logo evolution has been covered in the earlier section
Audi has a goal to become the worlds largest luxury car brand by 2020. This is an ambitious goal and Audi has outline this process in it's Strategy 2020. Audi has an ambitious
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In this “cyber store,” the brand’s entire model line-up can be be experienced and observed digitially. This aligns with the Brand slogan “delivering through technology)
Thus the company is aiming to align it's product as the point of focus for defining the brand. Concentrating on technology and design. A brand consists of tangible and intangible assets. Audi is concentrating on improving the tangible assets of the brand ie the cars created by Audi. As outlined earlier the company is going for an aggressive launch strategy and is doing continuous innovation.
Audi also provides services to customers by helping customers to sell their existing Audi , this service provided by Audi wins a lot of trust and goodwill from New customers. The company does a 110 point check on an old Audi before declaring the car fit for sale. They also offer good features to the new customer by offering a 30 day Back guarantee in case any issue is found with the Pre-owned car thus building brand trust. This also shows the commitment of Audi towards the Customer facet of the
technology project. The BPTO produced weekly status reports and monthly budget reviews helping the company gauge where it was heading towards. Thus the alignment started advancing (Austin, 2007).
Audi in some way is able to cater to different types of clientele the reason for that is once your branded with them you tend to see the same people coming back which then shows good customer service these people can be known as a client for example
They want to strive for perfection, even though that's nearly impossible. It's this kind of attitude like this that gives this company status and appreciation. It's because of this, whenever you think of a breathtaking or unique car, one of the first thoughts that pops in your mind is a Porsche. Thereby, this gives the company ethics, giving them status as one of the top cars out there and a more well-known brand of car. This helps the company makes the statement that they are the longest lasting built car on the market.
The Volkswagen Group follows a cost leadership and differentiation strategy. The Volkswagen Group achieves low cost leadership by sharing automotive parts amongst its products and as well as sharing vehicle platforms amongst the other 12 brands under the Volkswagen Group, such as Audi, Bentley, Porsche and Volkswagen Passenger Cars. The Group improves product differentiation by focusing on the product quality improvement, innovation and sustainability. This differentiation strategy helps ensure that the customers are satisfied with the products, and that the customers will be willing to pay a premium for the product.
The equity capital of 45,5 million Euros is divided into two halves: 8.750.000 ordinaries – held in
Volkswagen differentiated their strategy. It involves positioning the group on top of motor manufacturing by the year 2018 with increased service delivery and customer satisfaction. They are practising their strategy by doing quality products, new designs and always improving and expanded services above the normal standards. Increase of competitors in this filed they need greater effort needed to maintain the revenue, market, costs, and to keep customers.
1) The buyer decision process of traditional Porsche customers relies on the motivations that determine these people to select this brand. Their purchasing decision process is based on the exclusivity of the brand that is connected with the car owner. In their opinion, by purchasing a Porsche, traditional customers purchase the exclusivity and luxury associated with the brand. These customers want to purchase a car that reflects their social status and their financial power. In addition to this, they are not interested in the utility of the car, but in the characteristics that differentiate it from utility cars. These traditional buyers are rather interested in their feeling while driving a Porsche in comparison with the size, price, or fuel economy of the car.
Porsche is one of the most well-known brands in the world. In customers' minds, Porsche stands for exclusivity, class, and high quality. The company's marketing strategy is oriented towards identifying the needs and preferences of a small group of customers and on developing car models that satisfy these needs. However, Porsche was forced to introduce several models on the market that were not in accordance with what typical customers of the company usually prefer. These models refer to lower-priced cars, but also to high class SUVs like Cayenne and Panamera.
Mercedes-Benz operates on the differentiation strategy. Luxury, prestige and technological innovations drive the company 's production from the high quality small cars and e-bikes of the smart brand, to the premium automobiles of the global corporation.
BMW must take action to compete with the Japanese auto companies by putting great emphasis on quality service at a reasonable price to gain the competitive
Drivers look for different things when they go to buy a car. Some want a vehicle that gets outstanding gas mileage, others want one that is extremely safe and some are simply looking to buy a vehicle that is fun to drive. Those that fall into the third category will definitely want to head to one of our dealerships to see the 2018 Subaru BRZ near Biloxi, MS. This vehicle not only looks like it was built with performance in mind, it feels that way too. Subaru realized they have a hit with this model, thus they haven’t made major changes. This doesn’t mean, nevertheless, that they haven’t tweaked it to make it even more incredible, and drivers are sure to enjoy these improvements.
The Porsche Automotive Group firm has been considered to be a benchmark of precision within the market for decades. According to Henderson & Reavis (2009), “By 2007, Porsche had become the world’s most financially profitable automaker on an annual per unit basis.” They then go on to mention, “This is especially impressive when considering that Porsche produces over 100,000 vehicles annually.” From Porsche’s inception their focus has been place on the finer points of engineering. Sense the 1930s this firm has been translating their expertise of engineering into the esthetic design of their vehicles. The quality and performance that Porsche has become known for has caused the public and private industries to consider their vehicles to
Audi AG is very famous and reputed largest company which design, engineers, produce, markets and distributes the automobiles. German is the places where it is manufactured. Audi-marked vehicles are created in nine generation offices around the world. The company name comes from the Latin word listen which was the meaning of “Horch”. Its is the surname of the author, August Horch so in German it turns to “Audi”. Audi is the combination of four car companies.
The Audi four rings logo denotes the mergers of Germany’s four oldest automobile manufacturers and it is the symbol of merger in 1932 of four companies, those are independent motor vehicle manufacturers before it: Horch, Audi, DKW and Wanderer. These companies provide foundation stones on which present-day Audi AG is stand. (wikipedia)
However, due to its unique targeting strategy, it has not win compatible brand recognition among the public. Although Audi enter much earlier than BMW and Benz in the luxury car market, its marketing strategy limited increase of public brand recognition even Audi has over 100 years’ history. Besides, although its styles are highly accepted by the targeting customers, there are a growing number of people who can afford luxury cars for family use in China. Lack of vitality is limit of its further market expansion. On the contrary, its major competitor in China, BMW, has launched a series of marketing strategies to promote its high-performance, manoeuvrability, as well as stylish design to attract young people (BMW, 2009) in order to expand its market share. Therefore, although Audi has achieved success in the targeting market, it may consider further development through diversification in product line and advertising campaign.