Case Study I: Riley
A first-generation college sophomore, Riley, comes to visit you as her academic advisor, and says, "I'm having trouble in two of my classes. I don't understand what the professor is talking about in one of them, but it's a required course in my major. The other is only a general education course, but I keep getting low grades on the writing assignments. I was always good in writing in high school. If I do poorly, this will lower my GPA, and I just got off academic probation last term. I want to stay in my major, but I don't know if I can pass this one course and that would really disappoint my family. What do you suggest I do?"
1. The advising approach I would select for the advising session with Riley would be developmental
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A clarifying question I would ask the student would be, “Are you exploring options of possibly withdrawing from your class?”
4. Riley is exhibiting characteristics of doubt in her abilities to complete the required courses of her major. The student also shows the desire to remain in her current major, despite the difficulties she is having.
5. I would work with the student on identifying future classes needed for her current degree plan, or other degrees that fall in her interest area. I would also like to refer the student to receive tutoring for additional assistance with her academic struggles. By referring the student to the tutoring center, it will allow for Riley to receive the additional one-on-one assistance to better understand the material being taught in her courses.
6. My perceptions of the student’s response would lead me to believe that she wants to withdraw from her class, but outside influences may be impacting her decision.
7. I would have to consider that the student may be nearing the withdraw date for the course and may need assistance with making the decision to withdraw. It states in CTC’s withdrawal policy that “withdrawals will be accepted at any time before the completion of the 12th week of classes for 16-week courses, the sixth week of classes for eight-week courses, or the fourth week of classes for six-week courses” (Central Texas College,
Riley describes her victim’s reaction, “She was destroyed. I was one of her best friends and I crushed her.” She did not feel any satisfaction. Riley did not feel stronger putting others down. She was ashamed and knew what she did was wrong but she says, “The thing is that I already hated myself. I hated myself for being bullied in past and I hated myself for being pathetic. I was so insecure and weak that I couldn't hate myself more in order to stop.” Riley would have done anything to be popular, and she was disgusted by this. However, she concedes that she was too scared to give up the yearn for superiority she held since the first time she
Poor work life balance for gen. y – When gen. y can’t work due to their social life outside of work. The gen. y wanted more flexible working hours instead of wanting to only have to work full-time. Francoli gave them the solution to pick between two option which where 1) was to work longer hours four days a week and have the Friday off or 2) employees get to choose when they want to work put to only 8 hours a day.
If she quit her lessons, she would be less stressed with homework. She could get her homework done for all of her classes and be a well rounded student. If she stayed with the lessons, then she would most likely fail her other
Withdrawals: The instructor will NOT withdraw students for any reason. Specifically, students should be aware that non-attendance will NOT automatically result in their being dropped from the course. Therefore, if a student does not attend class during the first
Marcy explained that based on the student needs, she will customize a success plan for the student, and she will assign different appointments such as the following:
Hello I am Erica Hall’s academic advisor and she came to me expressing some concerns about her grade now is at conflict because she can’t decide if she should continue in your class or drop it because she does not want it to affect her GPA. As her advisor I would like to know what would be the best possible outcome.
My first observation is that the subject fills up their water bottle during the class change. Another one of my observations is that my classmate faces forward during the fifty- two minutes sixth period lasts. The person isn’t late to class. Additionally, the student went to the bathroom at the end of class. This shows the subject is determined not to waste class time.
I would explore possible career opportunities for Ryan to assess his level of self-motivation for his future career plans. After identifying his career goals, I would explain the importance of education as it relates to various careers and discuss possible options for tutoring services if Ryan felt it necessary.
The guidance counselor stated that the other three teacher could not attend the meeting however they provided a report about Shonquasia’s grades and behavior in each of their class. Ms. Witkers stated, that the other teaches reported that Shonquasia is not doing well in their class, and that she is often caught sleeping and that she has an aggressive attitude toward the teacher and her peers. MS. Witkers stated, that the other teacher reported that Shonquasia is not complete assignment and homework. RORC teacher reported that Shonquasia is fail his class because she refuse to wear her uniform. Ms. Witkers, recommended that Shonquasia should be encourage to participate in her class, and to be more respectful to other. Ms. Witkers suggested that consequences for behavior and accountability should be reinforced in the classroom and at home. Per mom Shonquasia does not like to be told what to do and that Shonquasia is capable of getting better grades, however she do not want to put in the work required to get better grades. Per mom Shonquasia likes to do her own thing and it is very difficult for her to punish Shonquasia for bad behavior. Per mom, since last CFT meeting Shonquasia s behavior at home and in school has not
Once I have identified the student’s motivation I would develop an individual plan that would remove each of these barriers and enable the student to move to the next level.
In today’s society, graduating college has become essential in order to succeed. Just to be able to get a decent paying job requires a college degree. The problem is that getting a college degree is not easy and takes many years. Throughout college, students face many situations where they are forced to do something they may not always want to do. As a freshman student in college, I have already come across this problem in my English class.
“You haven't done so well with passing classes and that’s an issue, you have a decision to make, you can either stay at lakewood and not graduate on time, or you can move to an alternative school to make up the credits you need.” The words that no high school student want to hear. As a high school student, school was not my best interest. Yes, i can say that i was interested and determined to get done with my high school year and go to college and continue to persuade my dream in either becoming a cosmetologist or become in the culinary fields, but that didn’t go as planned. As the days go by everything becomes a challenge, School work gets harder along with the classes, also understanding everything that you learn even gets harder. Most people
I agree with Nadia Banchik statement because many students do drop classes for reasons like work responsibilities, teaching method were not effective, and too much class work. Students feel that they are not ready for a class and they drop it, but others drop because it’s too hard or challenging. Professors prefer students to talk to them before thinking about dropping any class to see if they can help in any way. In the article “A Professor’s Advice On When To Drop a College Class”, a student had received sixty percent on their first exam. The student did not know that she received the highest percentage in the class until her professor saw that she wanted to drop the class, because she thought she was not capable of passing.
Deeply rooted in this first way of handling this situation is a deficit mindset. The deficit thinker believes that the student did not want to come to school because the student does not like
PART 4: My student is developing an understanding of the world, local and regional cultures in his social class. Examples of the different types of cultures include the Latin American indigenous people, our community and the Amish culture. Also, my student is presented with a geographic understanding which includes location, place, human environment interactions such as Deforestation and Pollution. Some general learning strategies include highlighting key terms, organization and note taking. Moreover, my student asked if he was allowed to go to the bathroom every time the teacher gave out an assignment to do for individual work, this lead me to believe that he was trying to avoid work because his actions were consistent throughout my observation. Some good avoidance techniques that I observed was my student, Torrian, asking if he could pass out classroom textbooks and assignments. I consider this good avoidance because my student volunteered to help assist the teacher making the class go by smoothly, instead of bad avoidance for example, asking to go to the bathroom and wasting his learning time.