
Ptlls Assignment 2 Task 1understand Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning

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Assignment 2 Task 1
Task 1- Understand inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning
This briefing document is for staff development and is designed to support staff to have a better understanding of inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning. At the end of the briefing session participants will be aware of what inclusive learning involves, how to motivate and engage students and establish ground rules. Participants will be learning the importance of providing students with constructive feedback to assist with motivating their learning. That student’s should be encouraged to contribute, discuss and learn from the feedback. Additionally the briefing will inform participants can use opportunities to advise students to …show more content…

Once I have identified the student’s motivation I would develop an individual plan that would remove each of these barriers and enable the student to move to the next level.

I would motivate my students by developing a plan of learning that set clear targets, within a suitable timeframe, providing constructive feedback in a positive manner. If a student was having difficulty with a particular driving manoeuvre I would provide additional advice and guidance either by providing a detailed written guide (in a different font), a video recording, a detailed diagram or by personally demonstrating the task. Once an individual task had been completed to a satisfactory level I would praise them on their personal achievement and they were capable of achieving obtaining their driving licence.

When the student had achieved their aims of passing the driving test I would provide free of charge a theory and practical lesson in how to enter, exit and drive on a motorway. Students are not permitted to drive in this environment until they have passed their driving test. This would be a motivating and ongoing development of their driving skills and would provide a current assessment with positive feedback to the student on this new challenge. I would also offer advice for students to progress to an additional voluntary test that once successfully completed could reduce their insurance premium. This also would be a motivating factor due to the financial implications.


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