Assignment 2 Task 1
Task 1- Understand inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning
This briefing document is for staff development and is designed to support staff to have a better understanding of inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning. At the end of the briefing session participants will be aware of what inclusive learning involves, how to motivate and engage students and establish ground rules. Participants will be learning the importance of providing students with constructive feedback to assist with motivating their learning. That student’s should be encouraged to contribute, discuss and learn from the feedback. Additionally the briefing will inform participants can use opportunities to advise students to
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Once I have identified the student’s motivation I would develop an individual plan that would remove each of these barriers and enable the student to move to the next level.
I would motivate my students by developing a plan of learning that set clear targets, within a suitable timeframe, providing constructive feedback in a positive manner. If a student was having difficulty with a particular driving manoeuvre I would provide additional advice and guidance either by providing a detailed written guide (in a different font), a video recording, a detailed diagram or by personally demonstrating the task. Once an individual task had been completed to a satisfactory level I would praise them on their personal achievement and they were capable of achieving obtaining their driving licence.
When the student had achieved their aims of passing the driving test I would provide free of charge a theory and practical lesson in how to enter, exit and drive on a motorway. Students are not permitted to drive in this environment until they have passed their driving test. This would be a motivating and ongoing development of their driving skills and would provide a current assessment with positive feedback to the student on this new challenge. I would also offer advice for students to progress to an additional voluntary test that once successfully completed could reduce their insurance premium. This also would be a motivating factor due to the financial implications.
Students use basic skills every day from looking at the clock to tell the time to handling money when paying and making change. Students who have jobs need to
As a teacher when delivering any lessons planned we have to make sure that each students individual needs are met, so they will feel included in the lesson. “Inclusion is about creating interesting, varied and inspiring learning opportunities for all learners, ensuring all learners contribute and are never disadvantaged by methods, language or resources” Wilson (2008).
As a result of my research I am now able to recognise and define the process Initial Assessment and the connection it bears with negotiating with learners, as well as agreeing goals and actions. During the course of my research I have gained an awareness and depth of knowledge into the significance of Inclusive learning; I can now confidently adapt session plans, and delivery
1.1. Inclusive learning is about recognising that all your students have the right to be treated equally and fairly, have the same access to all products, services and have the opportunity to be involved and included. As a teacher you need to be aware that all students are not the same as they all do not learn in the same way, the ways in which a teacher can overcome this is using the Teaching and Learning Cycle, using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic materials (VAK) and agreeing on individual learning plans (ILPs). Other features could include self reflective exercises, quizzes and providing opportunities for students to reflect on their own
Inclusive learning is about ensuring all your learners have the opportunity to be involved and included in the learning process. It’s also about treating all learners equally and fairly, without directly or indirectly excluding anyone. Inclusion is about attitudes as well as behaviour, as learners can be affected by
Whenever teens have questions about course materials, they should write them down and send them to their instructors. Encourage kids to be as direct as possible as saves time for them as well as their instructors. Besides asking about the content of your driver’s ed course, tell your kids to also ask about course procedures and how their work will be evaluated.
An inclusive environment is a condition where everyone has an opportunity to fully participate. In education, this means everyone has the same opportunity, there should be no borders such as ethnicity, gender or disability. All students should feel valued, be able to mix and participate with all members of the group be in a safe and positive environment.
Creating an inclusive learning environment is an extremely important aspect of modern education, which, according to Gravells (2008: p18), ensures that “[…] all learners are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. Everyone is an individual, with different experiences, abilities and needs.” She also offers a brief explanation of inclusivity (2008: p18), which is “[…] involving all learners in relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason directly or indirectly.” Inclusion has also been defined by John Tomlinson (1996: p26) as “the greatest degree of match or fit between individual learning requirements and provision”. In the other words, inclusive learning environment nurtures individual potential of all learners,
In making my teaching inclusive I reassess the material I use in my teaching and the way in which it is delivered and assessed.
What if the student did not have a anyone to teach them at all? What is the student supposed to do? The answer is a simple one, have them take Driver's Ed. The instructors at Driver's Ed have done their research and are aware of all forms of driving methods and they give the student a greater understanding. Adding on, they are also trained to teach driving and they know how to teach to a variety of students using all forms of teaching. For example, if an instructor has 2 students and student 1 learns by visual and student 2 learns by auditory, the instructor can still provide an adequate teaching to both
A driving objective for a teacher is to affect students to advance their expertise in education by finding them the correct course. The teacher should promote positive motivation and inspiration by adhering to legislation and codes of practice which will increase every student’s focus in developing and bridging gaps to display eagerness towards a healthy broad mindset, creative thinking and brighter approach. A mentor should coordinate assessments which will reinforce the ability to perceive individuals’ abilities and knowledge progressions and moreover support them further to boost their learning capacity to acquire a well-established national standards skill set.
This report will analyse some of the theories, principles and models in education and training. I will report on how these can be applied, and how they can enable inclusive learning, through exploring my own research. The report will also show how learners preferences should be taken into account as per of inclusive teaching and learning.
Inclusive practice is about adapting what is being delivered to make learning accessible to everyone regardless of ability, special education need (SEN) or any other barrier that might exist. When planning to meet the needs of everyone in the group it is essential that the teacher has as much information about everyone as possible. (The City and Guilds textbook level 3 Award in Education and Training). Features of inclusive teaching and learning starts with knowing which learning styles your learners prefer, to do this you can use VARK (visual, aural, read/write and kinetic) test which was designed by Neil Fleming to help learners and teachers know what learning methods they are best suited to e.g. in the first lesson my tutor asked for us
As well as the right physical objects you need to start your lessons, you also need certain mental attributes, such as the intention to continue. If you have no intention to continue to take driving lessons it's a waste of your time and money starting. Pupils start with good intentions but if they are not 100% committed it is a waste of their time and money even starting.
I often hear tales from pupils who have come to me from other driving schools that they would spend most of their lessons parked up in the car going over theory rather than getting in valuable practical work. This is a way that driving schools can cut costs - less fuel used and less wear and tear on their car. I once heard a story that a driving school in the area carried out a 2 hour highway code lesson with their pupils!