
English Writing Tutoring And Skills Analysis

Decent Essays

Strategy or Resource #1: English Writing Tutoring and Skills Development
Why this is important to my academic success: To improve my English writing, grammar, and written communication as an academic student and professional designer, and writer I have signed up, contacted and started SNHU Online Writing Tutor Sessions and Smarthinking Online Tutoring. I can use these sources provided through SNHU to ensure I meet my writing and academic goals and level of expectations. Furthermore, SNHU offers many student support services including the Shapiro Library (which I have accessed digital books), Career Center, Financial Services, Advising, Wellness Center and ConnectStudent, all of which, I have either contacted, researched and currently use to …show more content…

Why this is important to my academic success: Creating a weekly exercise schedule is invaluable because I am prone to burnout and workaholism in my career. As a student with high self-expectations and goals, I want to ensure that I am working at my best and optimal performance. If my health is less than adequate physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually then I am less likely to yield high returns on my academic investments. Thus, daily exercise and above average nutrition (and sleep) help to ensure I maintain a balance of my personal and academic goals.

How will I know that I am successful in using this strategy or resource? I noticed that SNHU offers a Wellness Center fully equipped with counseling, screening, education and resources for students. I immediately know I am on the right path by how I look and feel! I started bodybuilding and Crossfit in 2013 and love how the discipline effects my mental, emotional and physical bodies. Like any form of discipline, the mind becomes a temper of alchemical transformation where the limitations are pushed beyond perception and forms of creation unfold in a concrete physical matter (i.e., the body). I have started a new 8-week program and readjusted my Master Schedule to include early morning 5-6am workouts to meet the sun and empower my day. I am feeling (although extremely sore) a greater sense of willpower and accomplishment. The physical aspect of creating discipline and willpower works tandem with my mental and intellectual side as it not only provides me more energy but increases mental strength and overall

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