
End Of Semester Lab Report

Decent Essays

I spent most of this week working on end-of-semester projects, reanalyzing my current set of data, and preparing for another round of kinetic experiments.

Status of End-of-Semester Projects
SURE Poster: The first draft is complete and was sent to Dr. Kissel before he left for vacation. This weekend we will make any necessary changes before going into our draft meetings on Monday.

Paper: Dan and I are writing are paper for J. Mater. Sci. We obviously do not have enough data for a true publication, so we are focusing on writing as much as we have based on the journal guidelines. We are both focusing on the adsorption of dyes with MOF-based nanocomposites to polymers. As of now, we have decided not to go into any antimicrobial applications …show more content…

I may revisit longer experiments for measuring equilibrium, however I think for purposes of time and this study, it will be best to run short experiments of that length. I can compute the rate of each and plot the ‘log (k)’ with respect to ‘log ([Methylene Blue]0)’. The slope should give us the order of methylene blue adsorption to the surface. Any differences amongst the four surfaces should be apparent. It may also lead better insight into where we are binding.

I also want to get a good answer to the question if we are physically or chemically adsorbed to the surface. I notice that some methylene blue does come off upon being rinsed with water, but most stays bound. I’m going to perform an experiment where I submerge the dye soaked solution in water and see how long, and at what pH, it takes to desorb.

Overall, I feel I have focused too much on the MOF component of the project and not enough on the kinetics of the dye and substrate component.

Other Non-Experimental Tasks Completed
*Cleaned up Organic Lab: Emptied all of the bins that were in the prep room. All the vials are cleaned out. The solid reagents are back on the shelf. I dumped the cleaning bin. Straightened up the counter tops and put away all the glassware. Still need to empty the bins that are in the cabinet under the laser and put all empty bins

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