
Emotional Genealogy

Satisfactory Essays

I was able to use terms within this class and relate to personal experiences within my own development. As someone, who considers themselves a practicing genealogist it was interesting to see how my personal journey in life has reflected some similar situations of previous generations. It was interesting to see the different psychological terms referring how everyone builds a relationship within family, extended family, teachers and other important people within our lives. From a qualified perspective, I gained insight into developmental principals that will explain how a museum curator or archivist(my life goal) will function in hectic situations. I am really interested specifically with emotional genealogy, as our awareness of previous generations impacts the traits we inherit. For …show more content…

If they were not alive, what would bring us into this world? I know I would have different parents, maybe a different hair color or eye color. We cannot ignore our family roots, yet, we can forgive the toxic past and admire the endowments passed on. For example, my paternal grandmother suffered hardship by being put in an orphanage at a early age, during a time when widowed men were not suppose raise families. Fast forward, my mom raised me and my brother as a single parent after my father passed away. Therefore, similar situation but one was more dysfunctional. I can either be angry that my paternal grandmother raised her step-children and hated them or amazed that her husband married twice and the first marriage was due to first wife being single and pregnant. He raised that child even though he did not have to. Although, I have more maternal oral history, I should be proud that I found the hometown within Italy that my grandfather grew up in, he never told his children. It always fun ,listening to the behavioral patterns that each individual

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