
Compare And Contrast The Family And Structural Functional Theory

Decent Essays

Question One: Choose two theories outlined in your readings and class discussions and compare/contrast them in their usefulness for considering the development of the individual within the context of the family. The two theories I have chosen are the Structural Functional theory and the Family Development theory. The Family Development theory as defined in the powerpoint is the family life cycle divided into universal stages. There are developmental tasks at each stage which will affect future functioning. The Structural Functional theory is a family as a subsystem of the greater social system. This theory strives for equilibrium. The Structural functional theory is focused on the gender roles of a family. The female is the homemaker …show more content…

However, under the Family Development theory, she can chose her career. The mother still plays a large part in the children 's life but she is not restricted to the house all day. She can make all the money and the man can stay home if they so choose. This allows for the mother to make change in her life. Her development can keep going, instead of stopping at “housewife.” She can be a scientist with five kids and still be a good parent. This also allows the children more freedom in who they are. If there are two children with two parents, they will be very suppressed under the Structural Functional theory. The little boy will be out mowing the lawn with the father. But what if the little boy wants to be in the kitchen, making lunch with his mother instead? What if he loves dolls and everything pink? Under this theory, he will not be allowed to do those things. Acts such as cooking are considered expressive and only for females. The Family Development theory allows for the boy to keep on developing however he wants. He will be cared for by his parents no matter what role he wants to be in. Both of these theories do not account for common possibilities. Single parents are not even thought of. According to the theories, single parenting would be impossible to raise good children, yet it happens everyday. Divorce seems almost taboo. There is no room for stepparents in either of these families. What happens when a child has four parents instead of two?

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