
Emergency Custody Through C & P Of Ryan

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On June 20, 2014, the Department obtained emergency custody through C&P of Ryan due to neglect by mother Heather Martin. Mother was arrested by Burlington Police on 6/16/14 for larceny; shoplifting and three counts of receiving stolen property. Heather was taken to at MCI Framingham. The family was placed in a hotel through Department of Transitional Assistance. It was against the hotel policy for children to be left in the hotel unsupervised, and Ryan and Bria were staying alone in the room for five days. This was deemed concerning for the two children to not have an appropriate caregiver. When the Department was made aware of the situation father Brian Scopa 's whereabouts were unknown to the Department. Family members were contacted that could possibly take the children in. However, uncle Stephen Martin, aunt Cindy Fiore and Grandmother Carroll Clinton were unable to do so for various reasons. Given that there were no family members to take Ryan and Bria in, the Department placed them in a temporary Hotline foster care placement from the 6/20/14 to 6/23/14 until a more suitable living arrangement was made available. On 6/23/14 Ryan and his sister were placed in a kinship home of a family friend.


Placement type: Start Date: End Date:

Departmental Foster Care 2/17/2010 5/27/2010
Departmental Foster Care 6/20/2014 6/22/2014

Departmental Foster Care 6/23/2014 Present

The Department placed Ryan in an

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