
Edward R. Murrow Research Paper

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Edward R. Murrow, the man who brought America broadcast journalism, he left his mark on the twentieth century. One of America's most celebrated broadcast journalist, Murrow changed the way we receive, understand, and respond to the new. He started news broadcasts in 1928 and continued throughout WWII. Seven years later, he became director of talks for CBS. In 1951 he launched the television journalism program, See it Now, which created controversy with an exposé of Joe McCarthy. Murrow left broadcasting in 1961, and died on April 27, 1965.
1. The Beginning
Edward R. Murrow was born on April 25, 1908, he was named Egbert Roscoe Murrow, but later in his college life changed his name to Edward. He was the last of four sons, Roscoe Jr., Lacey,

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