
Edith M. Humphrey's Essay

Decent Essays

Edith M. Humphrey’s academic discussion papers on the Bible and human sexuality provide insight into the complex realm of interpretation, in regards to human sexuality—amidst 1st generation and 2nd generation Christians. Before results are revealed, Edith begins this series of academic papers with the emphasis on the Christian obligation to read the scriptures with thorough analysis and interpretation. When proper examination of the scripture is performed, the authoritative Word of God is revealed and becomes distinct from opinions based on current human experience, concern and determination.
In both the Old Testament and New Testament, human sexuality is discussed, although sexuality can cause one to misinterpret the use of sexuality within …show more content…

She appears to search for truth in scripture rather than exploit scripture to support her argument. Although she reveals her conclusion through the foundation of research and sincere concern for the disregard of God’s purpose—through the sin of humanity—I believe she veers from her own warning against the use of modern context and experience to interpret scripture once she discusses opposing stances on homosexuality. Her argument becomes less influential in the chose to not use the interpretation process to disprove counter …show more content…

With her use of the phrases “distortion” and “primal sin” in reference to homosexual or homoerotic behavior, she appears to believe homosexuality as a choice. This observation negates the stance of being born as a homosexual, which I believe does happen. When it comes to a response towards Edith’s essays, she starts on one side of a topic and my stance begins on another—the result will place us on opposing sides of the complex topic of homosexuality, even though we agree that all fall short of the Glory of

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