
Eco 372 Week 2 Study Guide

Satisfactory Essays

2.Complete the following dialogue with appropriate sentences or phrases (see page41/42.
A: Hi, Brian! You look so busy! What are you studying?
B: Well, you know, I'm in my last year of high school now. I'm so busy preparing for the university entrance exams in June.
A: Wow! I remember when I took those exams. They were really tough. It took up all my time, just preparing for them.
B: That's exactly how I feel. There’s so much to study and so little time.
A: Well, don't give up, Keep it up.
B: What did you study in university?
A: I majored in Finance – Banking. But I focused on Finance.
B: What kind of courses did you take for that major?
A: A lot of Economy courses – Accounting, Corporate Finance, International Finace, Tax, Maths, Stock exchange. I also learned English courses. …show more content…

Why did you choose that major?
A: Finance affect the health of the economy, which impact everyone. Finance careers are growing. This also means that I will get more career opportunities when I graduate. So I decided to major in Finance.
B: What would you say was the most interesting course you studied in university?
A: That would definitely be Corporate Finance. It provides the knowledge of finance that relates to use the capital investment effectively to run the business
B: Is it really true that college life is much freer than middle school life? I mean, if college life is the same as this, I don’t think I’m going to make it through all those years of intense studying.
A: College life is much more challenge and complex than high school. It requires more effort to study by yourself. Your time is flexible . You plan your schedule to study or take part in the activities or work part- time as you want. It is really

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