
Myths About A Raw Dog Food Diet

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Myths About a Raw Dog Food Diet
By Kent Simmons | Submitted On November 09, 2011

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There is much controversy that surrounds a raw dog food diet. Experts on forums and most veterinarians will warn you that there are serious health consequences and the risks of bacterial infections when serving your dog raw food recipes.

But are these warnings valid?

Myth #1 - Risk of bacterial infection from raw food …show more content…

Coli. But let's face it, dog's routinely eat items that would send any human to the emergency room: garbage, other dogs' stools, roadkill. For goodness sakes, they spend an inordinate amount of time licking their own behinds!

Here as in many other misconceptions about canine nutrition, we confuse a dog's digestive and immunity system with our own. The truth is that dogs have powerful stomachs and a digestive system that can handle much more bacteria than we can. In addition, their immune systems are built in such a way that bacteria does not impact them in the same way.

Expert veterinarian and noted author, Dr. Richard Pitcairn comments in his book on canine nutrition that in the 15 years of recommending raw dog food diets to his clients, he has never encountered a case of E. coli or salmonella.

The folks over at Leerburg Kennels, who know a thing or two about breeding dogs and whose dogs are used in law enforcement and competition, have been feeding their dogs raw food diets for over 45 years. Again, nary a whisper about salmonella infections.

Veterinarians and dog

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