
Does Homework Really Work

Decent Essays


New research shows that homework has a negative effect on neuroplasticity of the brain. Homework stresses students by The articles “Homework Doesn’t Improve Student Course Grades, But Could Boost Standardized Test Scores” by The Huffington Post, “The Trouble with Homework” by Annie Murphy Paul, and “Does Homework Really Work?” by Leslie Crawford support this theory.


The article “Homework Doesn’t Improve Student Course Grades, But Could Boost Standardized Test Scores” by: The Huffington Post discuses how homework is not necessary. The article says “With all the activities taking up children's time both in school and out of school, the purpose of each homework assignment must be clear and targeted,"-The huffington Post. This means some …show more content…

In “The Trouble with Homework” by Annie Murphy Paul for The New York Times, she says that “The quantity of students’ homework is a lot less important than its quality.”-Murphy Paul. The article reveals students in this decade have more homework ever before because most of it is busy work. It can be concluded homework done just to get credit is pointless.


Cognitive and neuroscientists have made new discoveries about learning and the human brain. Improved learning methods that help students retain and understand knowledge have been applied in the classroom, but not to homework. One method is the spaced learning method. “Eighth-grade history students who relied on a spaced approach to learning had nearly double the retention rate of students who studied the same material in a consolidated unit” -Murphy Paul This is one example of how the type of homework is more important than the amount.


“Does Homework Really Work?” by Leslie Crawford agrees with The Huffington Post and Murphy Paul. “homework (takes) precious family time and puts kids under unneeded pressure, is an ineffective way to help children become better learners and thinkers.” -Crawford. One Canadian couple took the case to court claiming their children’s academic performance was not improved after completing homework assignments and won: their children were exempt from future

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