
Document Based Data Modeling Technique

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Janu Barot
Database System
Midterm Exam

Document based data modeling technique and relational technique

In todays era, the volume of data we manage has developed to terabytes. As the volume of data continues developing, the sorts of data produced by applications get to be wealthier than some time recently. Subsequently, traditional relational databases are tested to catch, visualize, seek, share, break down, and store data. We find many difficulties in managing big data using traditional data modeling techniques. We still need an advance modeling techniques threw which we can solve problems of managing big data. There are two types of data models in data base system one is relational model and other is non …show more content…

Column-based or wide column NOSQL systems: These systems segment a table by column into column families where every column family is put away in its own records. They additionally permit forming of data qualities. Chart based NOSQL systems: Data is spoken to as graphs, and related hubs can be found by navigating the edges utilizing way expressions Data with the accompanying attributes is appropriate for a NoSQL system firstly, Data volume becoming quickly secondly, Columnar development of data then, Document and tuple data Lastly, Hierarchical and graph data. Data with the accompanying qualities may be more qualified for a conventional relational database management system is On-Line Transaction Processing required atomicity, consistency, disengagement, toughness prerequisites (ACID) then Complex data relationship and Complex question prerequisites [2] Apache Cassandra are example of BigTable-style Databases Oracle Coherence, Kyoto Cabinet is case of of Key-Value Stores. mongo DB and Couch DB is example of document database and neo4j and flock dB is case of graph database. [4]. I have selected document base data modeling to compare and contras with relational data modeling. Now before starting compare and contras of document base data modeling and relational data modeling I would like to explain what does data modeling and relational data modeling means. A data model is an accumulation of ideas that can be utilized to depict the

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