
The NGRI Document Analysis

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A chi-square test for independence was used to compare the conditions of the defendant’s mental illness and the verdict that participants have chosen. The results indicated that for the defendant’s age (13, 17, or 21), there was not any significant difference of how participants chose the guilty or NGRI verdict, "x" ^"2" " " ("2,N=148" )"=.70,p=.706 " . However, for the defendant’s mental illness, there was a significant difference of participants choosing the NGRI verdict for schizophrenia than clinical depression, "x" ^"2" " " ("1,N=148" )"=4.55,p=.033". As shown in Figure 1, there is a difference in the count of individuals who have chosen the guilty verdict for depression and the schizophrenia. For depression, there was a count of 55 participants who sentenced a defendant with depression the guilty verdict, as compared to the 21 participants who have given the NGRI verdict. For the schizophrenia condition, whereas more participants (40) chose the guilty verdict, 32 participants chose the NGRI verdict. For participants who chose the guilty verdict, when asked what sentence they would give the defendant (e.g., imprisonment, death penalty, or other forms of treatment such as hospitalization, mental institution), 45 participants in the …show more content…

Particularly, participants were asked to rate on a Likert scale (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree) to what extent they agree or disagree with a certain mental condition being a type of mental illness. The conditions included depression, stress, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, drug addiction and grief. Focusing more on depression and schizophrenia, 83.8 % of participants strongly agreed that schizophrenia was a mental illness, whereas for depression 56% of participants strongly agreed depression was a mental

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