
Data Modeling Using Entity Relationship Diagrams : A Step Wise Method

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Best Practice: ERDs “Data Modeling Using Entity Relationship Diagrams: A Step-Wise Method” IST 659 - Syracuse University September 30, 2014 Jared S. Mandel Introduction Databases are the center of many technology and non-technology focused businesses. They are used in retail, healthcare, education and government. Databases are essentially in entering, storing, managing and referencing data, and can be simple in nature, or extremely complex. In order for a database to be implemented correctly, planning is required. Planning takes place from the moment of idea inception, and continues throughout multiple stages of the planning process (typically during the analysis and design phases). An Entity-relationship diagram, or ERD, is a visual layout or plan for a database. An ERD is defined as “a graphical model that shows the logical model of the data for an organization (Dischiave, n.d.).” ERDs should follow the industry standard best practices in order to be most effective and useful overall. ERDs that do not follow certain best practices, which are outlined in this paper, could cause delays, inconsistencies, or lasting problems when designing and implementing a database. ERDs should follow set business rules, follow appropriate, effective and consistent naming conventions, should clearly outline unary, binary and ternary relationships, should include attributes, entities and relationships and should be clear and easy to follow (Hoffer, 2012). The article entitled

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