
Discarded Wood Trophy Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Theme Three: Discarded Wood Trophy Eco-art is regarded as an art concerning environment and participants’ interaction. The following discarded wood trophies exhibits a groupe of sixth-grade students using discarded wood from a lesson on showing loves to their parents. (See figure 6-8) The lesson asked students to create a special trophy for their parents. In Figure 6, a student has used two familiar images, a hamster and sunflower seeds, to express a joyful time with her mother at home. The writing indicates that she has a hamster and often plays with it at home; she also likes sunflower seeds and sees herself as her mother’s favorite sunflower seed. Another student has portrayed his hard-working parents in Figure 7. In Chinese, people often compare hard-working people to cattle working hard on the farm. The student has placed a house in the background to suggest that his parents work very hard to provide for his family. The Chinese phrase on the artwork reads, “The champion of the hardest workers.” …show more content…

In this sculpture, the student has depicted her parents in the background sweating profusely from their heads, an image in sharp contrast to her own self-portrait of a happy girl. The phrase written on the art piece expresses the student’s sentiment that her parents deserve a Nobel Prize for raising her and offering her a good life. The following questions help for facilitate classroom discussion. • What stories are telling from these trophies? • What materials are used to make of these trophies? • Where do you usually see the trophies? What are the difference between those trophies you see and these ones? • How do these trophies express love to their

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