Students will use this best work portfolio to demonstrate their top poetry collections from our two week poetry unit. Students will write porems that convey sensory details unsing the ventions of poetry. After that, students will collect different forms of poetry to publish in their portfolio that showcase their highest quality of work. Information gathered on the summative assessment will be used to help better students learning and actively include students in their personal learning process. In the end, portfolios will be on display for Family Reading Night at the end of the month.
TEKS objective(s) covered:
§110.14. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 3,
3(6) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to describe the characteristics of various forms of poetry and how they create imagery (e.g., narrative poetry, lyrical poetry, humorous poetry, free verse
3(10) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Sensory Language. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about how an author 's sensory language creates imagery in literary text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to identify language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the senses.
3(17) Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the
AP Literature has changed the way I analyze works of literature by widening the amount of ‘tools’ I have to interpret the work and my ability to clearly explain my interpretations. I have learned new vocabulary, literary devices primarily used in poetry, and I’ve paid much more attention to syntax and sentence structures more than I ever have before. The vocabulary ranges from the description of genres such as bildungsroman to poetry terminology such as enjambment. I view these types of words to be identifiers in poetry and literature; they help to build an initial understanding of a piece of literature without going too in depth. I learned all of the vocabulary terms during class, but they were really ingrained into me during the poetry responses and and discussion board assignments. I’d go through the list of words and structures that you provided us with and I identified the terms I could use for the poetry responses and discussion board posts that were germane to assignment. Sentence structure and variety is something that I never really gave thought to and never considered how it can keep the attention of the reader and also emphasize what is occurring in the text. I
1. Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of informational, literary, and persuasive texts and they demonstrate their knowledge by using strategies to make meaning of various types of literary genres.
Reflections Within is a non-traditional stanzaic poem made up of five stanzas containing thirty-four lines that do not form a specific metrical pattern. Rather it is supported by its thematic structure. Each of the five stanzas vary in the amount of lines that each contain. The first stanza is a sestet containing six lines. The same can be observed of the second stanza. The third stanza contains eight lines or an octave. Stanzas four and five are oddly in that their number of lines which are five and nine.
Lorna Dee Cervantes' poem, “Poema para los Californios Muertos” (“Poem for the Dead Californios”), is a commentary on what happened to the original inhabitants of California when California was still Mexico, and an address to the speaker's dead ancestors. Utilizing a unique dynamic, consistently alternating between Spanish and English, Cervantes accurately represents the fear, hatred, and humility experienced by the “Californios” through rhythm, arrangement, tone, and most importantly, through use of language.
Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features
1) Extra Credit: 15 points on poetry analysis. It helps students to develop skills, such as: to recognize the writers' voice, presence, writing skill and to discover their unique voices
Richard Blanco is a Cuban- American poet who was given the oppurunity to write an inaugaration poem for Barack Obama's second swearing-in. He wrote a poem titled "One Today" that praised the good and unique things about the United States and also the everyday people who's daily routines help to make America the proud country that it is.
In this essay I am going to compare and contrast ‘When we two parted’ a poem of George Gordon, Lord Byron’s written in 1815 and Letitia Elizabeth Landon’s ‘Love’s last lesson’ written in c1838, both poets are British and of the romantic period.
1. The image I get of the speakers grandmothers were that they were strong women and were very hard working.
Logic, like Sinatra, started his music career at a young age. Unlike his idol though Logic’s childhood was very rough “as both his parents were alcoholic and addicted to drugs” (“Logic’s Biography” 1). Logic’s troubled childhood took place in a smaller town in Maryland just north of Washington D.C.
century. He was born in 1907 and died in 1973. W H Auden's full name
In the previous lessons you analyzed poetry; and you composed different types of poetry using various elements and devices.
For my final project, I chose to do it on a creative art form. I chose to complete my project using the creative art form of poetry. In my PowerPoint, I included an untitled poem written about the war on terrorism, inspired by writer Ralph Waldo Emerson and his poem The Humble Bee. As we face a world of the unknown, Emerson’s poem is one that stands out best as to how to face the world.
Such various kinds of definitions and reflections on poetry indicate the fact that poetry is a rich literary fiction that offers brand new elements or vehicles for teaching English for creative teachers. Properly used, it may yield many advantages and facilitate the process of teaching.
When you hear the word “art,” the first thing that pops into your head is probably some sort of painting or sculpture. It would be unlikely that you would think of black words on a white page. I too, initially, think of some colorful masterpiece. However, over time, I have learned that those same feelings and colors can be replicated in my mind without the use of paint brush strokes and different color values, rather—with words. I always knew that poetry was an art form. Yet, through some further understanding of the components and elements that make up those lines and stanzas, my appreciation for poetry expanded from a two dimensional perspective to a new world that surrounds every inch of my brain. I am now able to identify different characteristics that help me navigate what I prefer in poetry so that I can seek out those works of art. My preference for poetry remained about the same throughout this course. However, I do link my deepened appreciation for poetry with what I learned.