Memo Thank you for your support of the diabetic clinic disease management pilot. I would like to further discuss the results based on the p value. As you may know the p value represent the probability or chance of a random outcome. An example would be the toss a a fair coin. The probability of heads would be 50% or 0.5. The error would be around the number of tosses. If there was only two tosses and both heads, the probability of heads would not be 100%. In research the usual probability (p value) is 0.05. That means the likelihood of the experiment outcome to be due to chance alone is 5 out of 100 times. In the clinic pilot the p value used was 0.01. The likelihood of the results were due to chance was 1 in a hundred. In the clinic pilot
The most significant difference between the regular insulin and the rapid acting insulin is the onset. The onset for rapid-acting or lispro is 10-15 minutes, and for the regular it is ½-1 hour.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This is a 53-year-old black individual a patient of Dr. Shelton, who has had diabetes for at least six months, but he thinks it has been longer than that. He says his last known blood sugar was in the 300’s. He presents in the ER today with a foot ulcer since January of this year. He
The communities that are hit most by Type-II diabetes are the low-income urban areas. The fact is that living in poverty can double or even triple the likelihood of developing the disease. Living conditions are linked to social determinants of health. For example the strain of being short on money, living in inadequate housing, and not having enough money to get the pre screenings required for treating the condition. Being born into a low-income family may mean worse health later in life. Simply put, the recommended fresh fruits and vegetables simply aren’t available to the low income. Forcing them to choose between paying rent and eating a healthful diet just doesn’t work.
Approximately 80,000 patients visited the Joslin in 2008. Most of the patients came to the clinic no farther than 50 miles from home. About 60 percent of the Joslin’s patients had Type 2 diabetes; the rest had Type 1 diabetes. Among the patients, about 2,000 were under 20 years of age, almost all who had Type 1 diabetes.
Mr. NX is a 35-year-old-male with complaint of back pain and not feeling well. He reports he has chronic back pain that is a constant tight, dull ache in which he has experienced over the past 10 years, without loss of function. He has a prior history of Type II diabetes, hypertension, and recurring deep vein thrombosis in which he routinely takes Glyburide, Lisinopril, and Coumadin for these disorders. Mr. NX reports he started a workout program three weeks prior in which he started two complementary alternative medications (CAMs) of Creatine and Coenzyme Q10. Other CAMs he reports taking is Kava Kava for anxiety and Garlic for his hypertension.
This question warrants investigation as T2DM is a gateway disease. Overtime, the disease progresses to affect other bodily functions, harming both an individual’s physical and psychological well-being. For example, T2DM is responsible for higher risks of neuropathy, low bone density, hypertension, heart disease, lower limb amputations and vision and hearing loss, as well as psychological disorders such as depression and dementia. According to 2015 statistics from the American Diabetes Association, T2DM is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to 332,341 US deaths. However, treatments that address the causes of T2DM are more prudent than current treatments which focus on mitigating the complications that arise
The study had an overall total of 1150 participants. Although there were many participants to begin with, they did not provide all of the feedback the researchers had requested. This resulted in the expulsion of their participation, so their results were not included in the final reports of the study. The number of patients that did provide the essential information added up to a total of 901. The profile for a participant was a patients diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the last 6 months, but has been diagnosed no more than 10 years ago. They had to be between 35-70 years of age. Their BMI had to be more or less than 24 kg/m2 and have an HbA1c more or less than 6.5%. They also had to have treatment with a diet or oral glucose lowering medication. Those needing insulin shots, had been diagnosed with chronic diseases, or had a change in diet or lifestyle 3 months prior to the study were not included in the overall
Saturday, November 13, 2015 The American Diabetes Association will be sponsoring the Bridge to Wellness Expo at the David L. Lawrence convention center. This event is free to the public and will provide them with a number of different events to help promote a healthy lifestyle. I believe that this event will be target towards a large range of different people such as uninsured, underinsured, or people who just want to live a longer healthier life. I think that many people will come out to this event because there is a lot that is going to be offered. Personally, if I was not participating in this event I would consider going to it just to see the different stations that will be set up there. I think that it is important to stress the importance of prevention because once something happens the damage is already done. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle and getting a handle on my health early. The expo will be offering a wide variety of different focus areas including but not limited to: active lifestyle, diabetes, cancer prevention, stress management, tobacco cessation, and heart health.
Magon M. Saunders, diabetes educator, health coach, and registered licensed dietitian presently serves as a Program Development Consultant in the Program Implementation Branch of the Division of Diabetes Translation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). At CDC, Magon works to provide technical assistance and support to state and national grantees. Magon also provides her expertise to various groups at CDC, including, the Center’s health equity, community health workers, and community clinical linkages workgroups. Nationally, Magon represents the agency as a member of both the American Diabetes Association’s Cultural Competency Workgroup as well as its African American Diabetes Action Council.
On the one hand, patenting of transdermal insulin delivery system offers a number of advantages to Diabeteck.
If not corrected by the year 2050, 1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes. The cost on the medical system to prevent and treat this population by 2007 was reported to be as high as $218 billion. It is imperative to continue research to prevent current state of disease for some but also to prevent secondary medical complications, which can include other organs and disease (Fonseca et al.,
In 2011-2012 approximately 95% of people with diabetes were aged 35 years or more and over 50% were aged 65 years (AIHW, 2015). This trend does seem to be changing with more young children being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The cause of this is seen to be the increase of obesity caused by food choices and inactivity. Data also shows that only half of Australians with diabetes were controlling their blood glucose levels and so within 20 years over 3 million Australians will be diagnosed with diabetes. The impact of lifestyle can be challenging for the individual as well as those around because it requires a change in diet which does take more time in planning and preparing meals and can make eating out and socialising challenging because
Diabetes has become one of the most prominent public health challenges of our generation. Approximately, 26 million adults in the United States have diabetes, with almost 2 million new cases per annum. In 1990, the rates of diabetes have virtually tripled; in comparable with the high increases in obesity, which is one of the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes among youth, and U.S. adults (R. Bell 2013). Consequently, the financial costs of diabetes are astounding. In 2012, diabetes contributed to an appraised $176 billion in direct medical contribution to a $69 billion in reduced productivity (R. A. Bell, 2013). Unfortunately, the burden of diabetes is not equally shared across populations. Most racial/ethnic minority groups
There is a high incidence of diabetes within this community. According to the American Diabetes Association, Depression can affects 20-25% of patients who have diabetes, but due to the stigma, finances, and other barriers many patients may go undiagnosed or untreated. A patient’s mental health can have an influence on their glycemic control and overall quality of life. The driving force behind this project was a need to raise awareness of mental health, enhance collaboration, and to improve patient outcomes.
Diabetic patients have a major risk of cardiovascular disease leading cause of life threatening and death. The goal of this study is to select drugs that do not increase cardiovascular risk. The US FDA has recommended in its Guidance for Industry for drug developers in year 2008, that type 2 diabetes new drugs for clinical trials should fulfill gycemic benefit and cardiovascular safety, and rule out potentially harmful drug interactions. The European Medicines Agency recommended same. Cautious selection of the drug therapy, specifically cardiovascular safety with controlled diabetes. Patients with diabetes often showing atherosclerosis and are at high risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Patients with diabetes have twice threat for stroke, heart related disease, and death from heart disease compared to non diabetic patients. Statics of 2010 showed that 1.9 million people aged 22 years or above in the US were identified with diabetes. Metformin is first choice of the treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus due to its very effective glucose lowering formula, used from last many years, cheap, no effect on weight, causes least hypoglycemia, taken orally, and has the possible to decrease CV harm. Saxagliptin is basically a Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) enzyme that reduced 0.6%-0.9% HgA1c by increasing body’s sugar utilization, prevent atherosclerosis and myocardial damage, improving lipid profile and endothelial dysfunction, and lower the blood