
Development Of Sexual And Abnormal Fetishes

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Development of Sexual Fetishes Sexual fetishes are a form of intense arousal due to a fixation of an inanimate object or a specific human characteristic. Types of fetishes can be viewed as acceptable and others can be seen as abnormal based on societal standards. However, the unknown factor of these fetishes is whether they are innate or adapted throughout the course of life. The factors that make up the defining line between normal and abnormal fetishes are somewhat undetermined, however, it is interesting to study whether the causes of both share similarities in their development. These fetishes can create changes in social behavior, thinking and overall function. There is no definitive way to determine which fetishes are normal and which ones are abnormal, however, the commonality of these fetishes can be evaluated by society and the frequency of them. A study was done to attempt to define what makes up an unusual sexual fantasy. The experiment was done through an internet survey of over 1,500 participants. The goal was to determine sexual fantasies that were common and narrow down the ones that were rare according to the statistics. One of the most important statements from this article discusses the difficulty in categorizing fantasies as normal or abnormal. The conclusion of the experiment is that “Care should be taken before labeling an SF as unusual, let alone deviant. It suggested that the focus should be on the effect of a sexual fantasy rather than its content”

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