
Thanh Tranan Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Tran, Thanh. "Extended Essay: Gender Roles, Sexual Desires." Winter Term Assignment. Portland State University, 15 Jan. 2010. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.

This essay was written in 2010 by Thanh Tran. This essay contained a comparison between two books that she had read. The books were about gender and sexuality, and how transgender viewed what it was like for them as a male and as a female. It connected a lot to As I Lay Dying and Six Characters, the issue what Tran written was similar to the whole claim of the essay. I felt the essay has an interesting layout, she did not quote correctly or I could not tell which was what the author said and what Tran said. Furthermore, Tran opened my eyes because it made me realized it does not matter what your

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