
Determinism Vs Libertarianism

Decent Essays

The controversial metaphysical debate of free will in philosophy revolves around the blatant discordancy between casual determinism and society’s perception of free will. In Philosophy by Manuel Velasquez, he describes this debate as “a controversy that still rages in our society” (p. 202). The three foremost theories that are used in this deliberation are hard determinism, libertarianism, and compatibilism. Philosophers defend and believe in each one of these theories based upon their individual characteristics. The claim that a set of laws govern the universe and that all events have a purpose is known as the casual determinism theory (p. 204). Casual determinism presents the idea that it is plausible that all future events are predictable and “that there is only one path leading from the past” to the future (p. 204). The belief in this theory conceives the possibility that everything can be explained with reasoning based upon the laws of the universe. This concept would ease an individual’s concern of the future with a sense of security by knowing that the uncertainties of life’s events are foreseeable. An example would be knowing that an individual’s car will break down on the highway during morning traffic or when a tree is going to fall on the roof of the house during a thunderstorm. …show more content…

204). It argues that casual determinism and free will cannot coexist, and that casual determinism is the only viable explanation for human actions (p. 204). This theory would eliminate the various stressors of life today because responsibility for one’s actions would no longer be needed. An individual could commit a crime and then claim that they did not have a choice because it was predetermined. If this were true then punishment should not exist and “the saint should be no more praised than the criminal should be [imprisoned]”

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