
Descriptive Experience Essay

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A bright array of lights dotted the dark landscape beneath the plane where I sat It was late, around midnight, and the day had stretched beyond measure beginning with customs in the Atlanta airport. About 1:30 a.m. we landed in the airport at San Jose International Airport. I was exhausted but the beauty of the landscape would be only a shimmer of what was to come. The second I stepped off of the plane I felt anxious and hot, very hot. This being my first time outside of the United States was a completely new experience and everything was foreign to me. After we retrieved our bags from the baggage claim we headed out and were promptly picked up by a bus which carried us out of the city of San Jose, Costa Rica through mountains and jungle and delivered us to our cabins where we would be staying for the week. After a combined sixteen hours of travel we were here. As we stood on top of what seemed to me to be a mountain overlooking the city I was taken aback I have never seen anything like it. It was amazing. The next morning we woke up as early as 5:00 a.m. to get ready for what was to be a long day. Each morning we would travel to a church where we would hold a worship service and eat breakfast, after each breakfast and worship service we would go off to our respective places where we would work with a construction team building a basecamp for the ministry we were helping or we would go out and minister at the schools in the local area. We spent most of the first day

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