The trip with the Sea Turtle ¨I´m not the one to cry over spilled milk.¨- Gordon Ramsay. Gordon Ramsey is a famous chef and a Television personality. The quote perfectly relates to what happened to me this summer. I was sad from one bad experience but i realized i should just have some fun. I was so excited to go to the airport. I could see our bright red luggage sitting in my room by the couch. It was 4 A.M. and we had to leave in an hour. I was ready to go with my backpack but no one had woken up yet. An hour later, I was sitting in a car heading for the airport. My brother Aria was as excited as i was and kept saying ¨are we there yet.¨ which really annoyed me during the ride. Once, we got to the airport we went to the gate the TV where all the airlines were listed. ¨United,¨ my dad quietly mumbled which was our airline. After walking forever, we finally got to our plane. We patiently waited for the crew to let us onboard. Finally,someone on the speaker said ¨flight to Cancun, Mexico now boarding.¨ Later, the plane took off i was extremely bored. I was reading a magazine about Cancun and i saw a fascinating sea turtle. I really wanted to see one in real life. I felt like the plane was going as slow as a snail. Hours later, I looked out the window and i saw the beautiful, clear, and sparkling ocean. There were brilliant green trees covering the whole place. When we landed, we rushed to the exit of the plane. After passing the long lines of people, we got near the exit of the airport. There were a bunch of tour guides around us. I then heard some of them talking about the violent sea turtles lately. I didn't really pay attention to them though. When we walked out of the door a huge sweep of hot air rushed into my face. We got in a weirdly shaped bus and headed for the resort. When we got there, it was like paradise. I saw many coconut trees along with huge monkeys roaming the paths. The resort had five sections and we stayed at the biggest one. There were many signs with sea turtles covering the whole area but i couldn't read the writing on them. My mom had been here before and exclaimed ¨this is going to be a fun trip!¨ As we started to walk to our room, I saw a very big pool with the crystal
We got up in the morning and left for the airport. We had become professionals at packing and unpacking, exiting and entering hotels, jumping in cabs, trains, and planes. I felt like a world-class traveler.
Days later, i made my decision to fly. It was risky for me but I wanted to get there as fast as possible. I was packing my bags day after day, night after night. When everything was done and over with, I got the rest of my things and said goodbye, I’ll
The floor rumbled fiercely beneath my feet. A cold jet of air brushed against my leg. My head was push against the window, viewing the taxi line filled with airliners. The roar of the engine grew violently. I could feel the acceleration tuck me back into my seat. The runway seemed to slip underneath my feet, briskly increasing in speed. Then, with a sudden lurch, the nose banked upwards. Liftoff. A sudden thrust of gravity spiked across the cabin. The vertical speed rose steeply as the tail plummeted sharply. The airport slid out of sight as the aircraft approached the lush cerulean Gulf of Mexico. I glanced back at the albicant, old cabin. I looked back at the window. The waters of the gulf of Mexico darkened along with my nerves.
Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter revolves around a Puritan community. Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth, through different, all committed sinful crimes. Dr. Khan argues that Dimmesdale died because of atropine poisoning, but Roger Chillingworth was not trying to kill Dimmesdale, the symptoms was Dr. Khan has stated could be refute, and the guilt that Dimmesdale has suffered, which has lead to his declining death, is what really caused his death. Roger Chillingworth does not want Dimmesdale to die. Chillingworth’s motive and intention has play a big role in Dimmesdale life.
In the article, Rae Ann Hirsh, analyses children that are identified for school failure and explores contemporary neuroscience and learning theory to identify curricular strategies for helping these children and making them successful in their academic future. The neuroscience has remarkable effects in the classrooms of young children and learning theory. The learning is a change in the brain when the child is learning and there is social contact with other people. This would lead to emotional signals that lead to symbols, language, abstract thinking, and social skills. If the emotional context of culture is not changing, then the symbolic thinking will not reach a cognitive milestone in child development. Emotions are the primary contemporary function of the neurons. These are associated with learning and are the foundation to begin the learning process in young children. Along with the chemical structure, emotions play additional roles in the brain growth in the first two years.
Then,we went to go find our gate where our plane was. Then we finally found our gate. We walked in through the door that was open and we walked through a long tunnel like thing to get onto our plane. When we were stepping onto our plane, I could see the path that the plane was on. There's a little crack. A crack in between the plane and that little ramp thing that you walk on to get into the plane. Our plane was Delta.
When we reached the harbor, we walked down the long wooden bridge. The water below was was brackish, so we could only see halfway down to the bottom. That was when I saw a large slow moving grey piece of lumpy rubber. I called my family to come see the mass of rubber. When they had all come, something amazing happened. A small whiskery snout and
oday I will be putting you guys in my shoes of my trip to the Bahamas, and what I did there. This was one of the best days of my whole life. We wanted to go somewhere for vacation, but didn't know where. When my parents surprised me and my sister Haley that we were going to go on a vacation, we were very happy. I was eager to pack and leave right that second that they told me. I remember going to Flordia and staying there for a couple of days before the Bahamas. We went to the airport after Florida and got on the plane. I remember the wait to get onto the plane, and eating at a wendy's inside of the airport.(It wasn’t good.) When they said it was time to get on, I got onto the plane and called the window seat. The view was amazing! I remember
Next we got to our hotel the sky was as blue as the water and the breezes felt so nice on my tired cramped up neck from being on the plane for 4 hours. I met people from japan, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico
Our tour guide made us take turns sitting on the edge of the boat with our wetsuits and snorkelling gear on in case there was a sighting. After all that she had said I thought that she was just trying to get our hopes up for something that wasn’t going to happen. It was joyless. Well, until she said “JUMP” that is. At the time, I had no clue what so ever what I was doing. The person next to me jumped so I just did to. That’s when I touched it. I had landed on the world’s biggest sea creature; the whale shark. The tour guide quickly jumped in and pulled out her camera; a Go-Pro and began filming me along-side the shark. Luckily I was the only one on the same side as the shark as her as I began posing and smiling for the camera. That’s the shark sped up and drifted out of distance. My heart was racing as this had been one of the most tremendous and overwhelming experiences of my young
As we exited the plane we were jostled and thrown around by the other passengers who seemed to be in a rush, and they were very discord. Once we have made it to baggage claim, we got our bags and headed for our taxi that would take us to our brand new home. When we were walking towards our car, I saw a beautiful vista, and it almost made me forget I had a giant stain on my beautiful skirt.
When I got off the plane the first thing I saw was a giant palm tree. It wasn?t like the palm trees you see in pictures. This palm tree was kind of ugly it was about thirty feet tall, the leaves at the top looked like they were dead, and it was leaning to the right. Other than that palm tree it was a beautiful day. It was ninety seven degrees, but it didn?t feel like Minnesota?s ninety seven degrees because there wasn?t much humidity. Before we could leave we had to wait for
As our plane landed, all I could see was green around the dirt landing strip. Trees, bushes, and tall grass crowded my view of the jeep that would take us to the cabins. We piled our duffel back in the back and drove off. Once my family and I arrived, the managers and staff all welcomed us. Everyone was so friendly! They showed us around where we would be staying for the next week; the view from our cabin was breathtaking. We could walk out of our cabin and an elephant would be standing less than 15 feet away eating leaves in the cool shade of the tree. The morning after we had arrived and were all settled in, we went on a game drive. We did not go on these game drives to kill, just to observe the animals in their natural habitat. Therefore,
The light to put our seatbelts on glowed as the captain spoke to us and flight attendants acted out safety instructions. At take-off my stomach was filled with butterflies, but I wasn't scared. My body was pushed into the seat but I pretended I was the captain of a fighter jet. When we were stable I discovered that flying wasn't that bad. And the ocean looked beautiful out the windows! I put on my CD player until the played the in-flight movie, Planet of the Apes. I didn't like it so I kept listening to my CD player all the way through dinner. I fell asleep but the sound of the captains voice woke me. He was telling us there was an hour left of the flight. Flight attendants asked us to stow away our bags and prepare for landing. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach again as I anticipated the landing. I felt the plane lose
As soon as the door opened, the heat hit me. It was like putting a hot iron in front of my face. But it felt even worse as there was a slight wind which pushed the heat towards me. My body was surrounded in a blanket of heat and I even started to sweat slightly. My uncle told me to wait by the lift as he went to collect the car so I wouldn’t have to walk as far and drag my suitcase along. While I waited, I took time to look around at the surroundings. I could see mountains which stretched towards the clouds and the airport behind me. There were a vast number of people walking around from their flight looking drowsy and with no energy. The frequent red double-decker bus also came and a few planes flew above my head. I didn’t even have to look, but I could hear the planes departing and arriving. The planes all looked the same in the sky, big and white with some sort of logo. During the wait, I took a few steps to take away the cramp. Although I had trainers on, I could feel and see that the floor was new. The concrete looked