
Derek Stef Leadership Essay

Decent Essays

When I think of Leadership Legacy, Derek Steffen is the first individual that comes to mind. Derek joined Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) during his initial weeks on campus as a first-year student. Quickly, he elevated into a leadership position within the organization. From there he only continued to bloom as an inspirational leader within the organization. Derek would eventually find himself in the Presidential role within the organization. However, would be later asked to step down from that position as the organization was going to restricted, forming the Future Alumni Network (FAN). In many instances, being asked to take a step down from a position, would likely result in a student leaving the organization. However, Derek embraced the challenge and continued to be an active team member assured that the organization was heading in the right direction to achieve greatness. …show more content…

The result of the merger, left the FAN without their Advisor and President, members were unsure if they wanted to be a part of this unknown, new organization. Thankfully, Derek saw the merging the organization and was pivotal and helped retain the FAN membership base. Derek took it upon himself to ensure FAN and SPG members got to know one another by initiating Sunday night pizza at Airliner, co-planning a team builder retreat, having member sit by different members at every meeting, and initiating TAM (Tuesday after meeting) where members would go out for dinner as a group once meeting concluded. His efforts are paying off tremendously, as new bonds of friendships have been formed and member of the organization no longer refer to themselves as a former FAN/SPG student. Rather now, everyone says they are a Student Advancement Network

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