1.1: Explain why working in partnership with others is important for children and young people?
When people work with children or young people they should work together, it can be very positive for the children and young people concerned. The adult could be:
• Parents
• Carers
• Professionals
• Colleagues
• Multi-disciplinary teams
They need to do this with children and young people:
• Communicate
• Share their knowledge and expertise
• Exchange information
• Understand each other’s roles
If you work well as a team in your setting you will definitely enjoy your work more and work more and work more effective and it will benefit children if everyone applies this.
The EYFS makes it very clear that, If different agencies work together,
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• A child is receiving support from different educational psychologist
• A child is looked after by a childminder and is attending a speech and language centre.
Many children and young people attend more than one setting if they are moving one to another, it is important that the key people involved with the child communicate by:
• Sharing information about the child’s learning and development
• Planning together for the child’s learning and development
• Sharing about the child’s interests
2.2 Identify policies and procedures in the work setting for information sharing Every setting should have policies that encourage effective and clear communication when sharing information.
We have a policies book in our setting that everyone has to follow, all policies should be available to those who need to know the basis and they may be shared with colleagues, carers and other settings if needed
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Your setting should have very clear procedures for how you record any information. Your setting will have required ways to record information, these may include:
• Observations
• Assessments
• Incidents
• Injury
• Medical information
• Concerns about a child
• Records of meeting
• Records of conversations
2.4 Identify how communications and records are recorded and securely stored meeting data protection requirements
There are number of ways that communications and records can be made and you will find that you have to do this during the time at work.
You may do this through:
• Electronic means
• Memo
• A communication book
• A required incident form
2.5 Explain why and how referrals are made to different agencies
Sometimes a child or young person in a setting such as a nursery or school may need extra support from other setting. That’s why it is important for you to know how these referrals are made.
A child is may referred for:
• A medical condition
• An emotional
Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained.
II. Have the necessary information of the children in my care beliefs, views and preferences recorded safety
1.Briefly explain why it is important that the team work together when supporting children and young people’s play.
By following good practise I proved appropriate care, and I fi didn’t individuals would suffer. Communication is very important when working with young children as they need to be able to understand simple instructions and want to be able to listen and communicate back to you. Communication does not involve just speaking but also listening,
2.3 –Demonstrate ways of supporting children and young people to take responsibility for their own health, safety and security.
This will make it easier to work together and will also make you a good role model for children as well as
I am of the opinion that as a child practitioner an essential part of our work role will involve actively seeking to evolve and where apt build relationships. Consequently having a significant impact on children and young people’s lives.
Any individual who comes into contact with children in their daily line of work “has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children”.
Understand the importance of promoting equality and diversity in work with children and young people
Age of child or young person: You need to be adaptable in the way you communicate when working with children and young adults. A young child will need clear and sometimes lengthy instructions on how to do something. Whereas older children and young adults tend to grasp things quicker and you can explain things in a more mature fashion. Some younger children like to have physical contact as well, especially if they feel lonely or scared i.e. when they are upset and trying to explain to you what is wrong, an arm around them or holding their hand will give them reassurance. Children of all ages need to feel secure and feel valued in any environment and how you communicate with them should
Explain how own working practice can affect children and young people’s development (CYP 3.2 -4.1)
Give attention to individual children and young people in a way that is fair to them and the group as a whole
3. Demonstrate supportive and realistic responses to children and young people’s questions, ideas, suggestions and concerns.
1, Understand the importance of promoting equality and diversity in work with children and young people.
3. What are your impression of boundaries and facilitators in their assembled condition related with youth