I received a score of four on the Realistic scale, a score of eleven on the Investigative scale, and a score of nineteen on the artistic scale. I got a score of twenty-six on both the Social and Enterprising scale and a score of two on the Conventional scale. I was slightly surprised by the results because I did not think I would receive such a high score on the artistic scale. I have never viewed myself as a creative person before so it was interesting to see myself receive that result. I anticipated the Social, Enterprising, and Investigative scale would have been my highest three scales. I chose the future job zone, within that I chose an extensive job preparation. My reason for choosing an extensive job preparation is because I wanted to make the exercise/activity as realistic as possible. I see myself going into a graduate program after graduating from the University of Maryland and I wanted to observe potential careers and examine the results. Most of the careers I received that fit my interests and preparation involved directly interacting and helping …show more content…
Often times, people are just aware of careers that are viewed as more popular or talked about such as therapist or doctors. I believe this causes us to limit ourselves to the kinds of professions we choose to pursue. This assessment provides insight into potential careers that an individual may really enjoy and want to seek in the future but may not be aware of their existence. Although I may not have changed my career path from taking this assessment, it was very useful to know that these kinds of careers are available. With this information, I plan and hope to educate people especially young children about other careers that are available that people do not often tell them about. I think it is important that people re cognizant of this information to divserse
Answer the following questions based on the video we watched. Remember to answer in complete sentences using part of the question in the answer. Make sure you answer all parts of each question. Change your answer to an easy to read color (anything but black).
The first category, professional support services, is listed on the Career Interests assessment as well as the Skills Confidence assessment. This field has a school counselor and social worker listed as occupations. The third category, mental health and counseling services, also has social worker and school counselor listed, along with a few similar career choices. The last category on the Skills Confidence assessment, family and community services, is extremely similar to the mental health and counseling
1. Stephen R. Covey writes, "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen
With the variety of majors and interests college offers, the decision of choosing a career holds a heavy weight. There are many paths one can go to have a successful, fulfilling job for the rest of their lives; this is where college can explore a person’s likes and dislikes. From taking taking the self-assessment, it resulted careers that revolve around medical and/or as educators to help others. These choices seemed very very accurate and possible that I want to pursue. I have always been passionate of caring for others in some source. The four careers that I decided to further research are: occupational therapist, social and human service assistant, pharmacist, and veterinarian.
The results from assessment weren’t surprising to me, as I ranked very high in conventional, Enterprising and Social categories. There were several careers listed in the job zone that appealed to me such as Human Resources Specialist, A Meeting, Convention and Event Planner, Compensation and Benefits Manager and Social &Human Service Assistant. All of these careers stem from organization and analytical thinking characteristics and follow guidelines
In this report I hope to successfully talk about the results I received from surveys I have taken online and on paper. I would also like to talk about the career I believe is best fitted for me and what classes and activities I must complete in order to be able to do the career I’m doing this report on. I hope that I as well as anyone that reads this learns more about the career I chose and that they become as interested in it as I am.
The career, Speech Therapist, stood out to me because of the concept of helping someone overcome an issue that they may have had all of their life. By helping a person develop a common skill, you could be changing their life in a positive way. To actually hear the progress you have made through the person’s own mouth is something that would make you feel like you have a purpose and that is to help people make their lives better. The occupation of this career is to basically help people that either have a speech impediment or some type of disorder to communicate better and cope with social malfunctions they may have experienced in their life and will experience in the mere future. So
Beliefs, attitudes and values are three little words that have and make a massive impact on who we are as individuals, who we are as people, and even how the world is viewed by ourselves and others. A belief is something that individuals or groups think, such as believing in a god. Where a Value would be the living life in the ways a religion expects, this value will be made from the belief that the person or group has in their God. The attitude towards this would be the feelings, beliefs and behaviour tendencies towards this, for example praying, reading the holy book,
The first section of the Self-Directed search is “occupational daydreams” which allows the client to compare their ideal careers to their career results at the end of the assessment (Holland, 1994). Stewart indicated that he would want to pursue a career as an Underwriter, Insurance Broker, Lawyer, Marine Biologist, Reporter, Social Worker, and a Counselor. Stewarts total scores are as follows: 26 for realistic, 15 for investigative, 46 for artistic, 36 for social, 48 for enterprising, and 28 for conventional (Holland, 1994). This means that his vocational code is enterprising, artistic, and social (EAS). This score suggests that Stewart has high interests, self-esteems, and competencies in enterprising, artistic, and social careers. He chose as his possible career choices: Public Relations Representative, Broker-and-Market Operator, Council on Aging Director, and Housing Project Manager (Holland, 1994). Based off of Stewarts similar codes (ESA, SEA, AES, ASE, and SAE) he chose as possible career choices: Psychiatric Social Worker, Research Director, Stage Director, Television Director, Actor, Critic, Playwright, Drama Teacher, Social Welfare Administrator, and Director of Admissions (Holland, 1994). After compiling multiple career options, Stewart was able to use the “You and Your Career” booklet in order to gain an understanding
It described how I prefer to communicate as well as how I prefer others to communicate to me. Moreover, I am leveraging the recommendations and suggestions to change the less desirable attributes. For me, the career assessment afforded an opportunity to gauge how well I have progressed from my first class until now. My overall professional goal has remained the same; launching my own youth counseling business with my husband.
Career assessments are very beneficial when an individual is trying to determine what career path they may be wanting to take. Sometimes new information will become apparent and other times information that is already known to that individual will just be simply solidified. It is important to answer the questions as accurately to oneself as possible. My personal results only reassured me of what I already knew.
This paper is a summary of critical evaluation of the suitability of an article as an academic source. The title of the article is Critical Thinking: An Extended Definition. The author, Professor Ken Petress, analyzes various definitions of critical thinking and provides his definition of the concept as well. It is vitally important when performing research on a topic that we completely understand the topic and that we can apply certain tests or questions to the topic in order to determine its relevance and validity.
In naviance, the listed careers for me matched my aspirations because I want to be a special needs teacher.This is the job that I am currently very interested in pursuing. I want to help children learn, even if they need to be taught differently. However, one career did not. It was a funeral director, which is something I do not think I could do. It would be to sad for me to watch families suffer. I think that this was recommended for me because it is a job that involves helping others get through very difficult times. If I were to be a teacher, I believe that it
Throughout life, people are influenced by others when it comes to career paths. For example, career paths can be directed by our backgrounds such as family and culture. The career path I chose has been influenced by family and those who support me and encourage me during school. The career path, I have chosen is to work with women survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. I will discuss how self-assessments helped me gain an understanding, which careers might be worth pursuing because of my interests.
Finding a specific career path can not only be difficult, but it can also induce bouts of anxiety, anger, and sadness over a crucial part of an individual’s life. Settling on a career can be unnerving when thinking about the fact that this is the career that you spend thousands of dollars on in college, that this is the career you will work in until you retire. With this course, I’ve found that it has been easier to narrow down a goal towards finding a career. Through career assessments, different assignments and discussions, I have realized what my barriers and strengths are. Overcoming these and improving these skills or applying them to an actual career assisted me in narrowing my goal as well. I am now able to clearly see the advantages and disadvantages of my career goal and to think clearer about the next steps that I will take after this course.