In the whole entire span of my short life, just a mere 13 years, I have just barely begun to grasp the true meaning of family. However, just recently, my grandfather, age 89, has been hospitalized and is currently on the verge of death. I have not been very close to him, but on the day I received the news, I felt like in an instant, the whole world was against me. That moment sparked a moment of realization in me. Thousands of children are orphans in the world. Thousands of children have no family. They can never know the true meaning of family and have grown up to feel like they aren’t wanted anymore. After reading the book, Counting By 7s, I have realized that there are many people out in the world that are like Willow Chance that have grown up with loving parents, but have lost them in a devastating accident. That just makes me realize …show more content…
I hope in the future that I will not have to go through the struggles to grasp where I stand in the world because my parents died.Reading Counting By 7s really inspired me to be grateful for what I have. Family is a part of me. Family is the ones I love and the ones who I look to for guidance. They are the people who make my day better when I’m down. The people who make my family are the people who will never leave me and will always tell the truth. They are the people who I rely on day in and day out.
One day I understand that members of my family will pass away. I will grieve. However, I believe that in their kindness that they will move on to a better place and that one day I will join them. Now knowing that my family could pass away at anytime of day, I will spend time with family. Create moments that we will remember forever and that we will cherish. This is so that when the time comes, no regrets are to be had about the time that we didn’t spend together and the connections not made that could've been made because I took advantage of family and tossed the moments
In the documentary series, Seven Up, a group of seven year olds, from Great Britain, give self-reports, in a longitudinal study, every seven years, about various topics in their lives. The type of observation being used is structured. The same participants are being used, and know they are being observed and out of all the characters, I focused on, Suzy Lusk.
The novel Counting by 7s, by Holly Goldberg Sloan, has a copyrighted date of 2013. The conflict that takes place is how will Willow Chance progress without her parents. Following this, she is living in the moment, unknowing what going to occur in the next chapter of her life. The beginning of book starts of with tragedy that affects Willow as she comes home from ice cream. With counselor, Dell Duke, her new friend Mai, and Mai’s brother. The setting takes place, at Willow’s home pulling up to pavement by her house. Where everyone in the car witnesses a police car at the driveway. As Dell Duke talks to the police, there voices are still audible for Willow to understand. Willow had been conscious of that her beloved ones no longer existed in
In 2015 my grandmother died. When I received the news I was on the couch and my mother told me “Miguel we have to talk” I was sweating because my mother was so serious and she told me that my grandmother was dead, and in that moment all I could think about was being back in the Dominican Republic, growing up with her, imagining the moments I spent in her house and the mornings that I sat in her living room, watching TV and smelling her amazing food wafting through the pass-through window from the kitchen. Then I snap back on reality and realize the future my grandmother would want for me.
This made me think about what I would do if my mother died. I believe I would probably be very sad, but I would also keep moving in life. I can’t just stop what I am doing because someone has died -- my aunt’s death already taught me that. Everyone has to go sometime; that time will come sooner or later -- it’s inevitable. Starting anew every time someone close dies is a bad idea, because one will never get anything done that way. (84
After Willows parents die she believes that social services will take her away from her only friends. In Counting By 7's Willow said sadly that "They are taking me away from these people, and i don't think I could live without them." She doesn't believe that her friends mother Pattie will get custody of her and will live alone. She doesn't count by 7's, care about statistics, grow herbs in her garden, and more importantly she doesn't believe. At the end of the book she is hauled off to the custody hearing and things go in her favor. "But the important thing is that for today, they are granted, jointly, the guardianship which is on track to not be temporary of a person named Willow Chance." In the end Willow learned a valuable lesson about having faith to save all the
Imagine deciding to do something that is completely out of the ordinary--a dream that you have always thought about doing--and it goes perfectly. It’s as if it’s all just a hallucination, so perfect that it’s unrealistic. The experience is breathtaking, impeccable, absolute perfection--until it becomes actually breathtaking. Imagine that during this moment of serenity, tragedy strikes, and you’re left in a battle between life and death. Majority of people would do whatever it took to survive, and in this situation you’re left with only risky decisions. Imagine surviving this catastrophe by yourself until rescue workers come to save you, a blessing. That is until the bill is seen. Luckily, this is just a little scenario, but for many people this is a reality.
On May 11th 2013, my grandma passed away due to pancreatic cancer. A little later that year on September 25th, my mom received a call from my aunt in Guam that my dad had passed away in his sleep. Then on May 14th 2014, my grandpa passed from complications of an allergic reaction to a medication. So within a year, I was left to deal with three immediate family deaths, one right after another. Losing such important figures in one’s life could leave someone depressed and unmotivated to move on with their own life and to rise above those challenges is difficult, yet possible. During this time of hardship, I grew discouraged and saddened, but over time I became motivated to set aside these struggles and make a change.
Imagine being responsible for your best-friend's death. Along with the seventh man, this is how a lot of survivors that have been through traumatic experiences feel. “Blameworthiness, here, depends on the idea that a person could have done something other than he did. And so he is held responsible or accountable, by himself or others.”(The Moral Logic of Survivor's Guilt). The Seventh Man spent 40 years of his life living with survivor’s guilt for what happened to K. In order to accept the reality of what happened on the day of the typhoon, the seventh man must forgive himself for not being able to save K.
What does the word family mean to you? In my opinion, family means everything to me. It’s the people I knew since I was born, who I know I can turn to anytime needed. Everyone has their own definition of family, it can be positive, negative, or even both. In the world’s society everyone is born into a family, it can be a traditional, a un-blood related, or an extended family. No matter how well a family relationship can be there is no such thing as a perfect family. In many classic pieces of literature, many writers’ use themes of conflict between the children and their parents. It can be conflicts towards each other or conflicts the family experiences together. In many well know novels, many characters from tragic events of abuse, cruelty, and negligent events kept their courage to survive through terrible events. The story of “Ellen Foster” Kaye Gibbons takes a reader inside a story of young orphaned girl, who is passed down to every family until the she is able to find the perfect one she fit into. In the classic novel “Night” author Elie Wiesel writes a historical piece about a young boy’s experience in a concentration camp. Losing half of his family the young boy Eliezer has to fight with his father through suffering tactics from the Nazis. The classic play “Romeo and Juliet”, William Shakespeare writes a tragic piece about two young lovers being forced to disobey family orders to be with each other. In all three pieces of literature, the characters struggle
This doesn’t mean you have to stay with family forever, we all get sick, and tired of our family every once in a while. On the other hand just thinking that if my family died I wouldn’t be able to function it would be like a huge void in my heart so whenever I think of that I am thankful, to have family that I can believe will be with me forever until we’re nothing but dust and
I value my family so much. They don’t always do what I want them to do, but they always do what I need them to do. I would like to introduce you to some of the most favorite people in my life. First, my mom (Helen) and my dad (Terry). My parents are just so perfect and they have created a wonderful young lady. I wish I was the only child, but, I’m not. I have two siblings, both of my sisters are older than me and married with children. I have a sister on my
I walked into the hospice care building with my family excited to see my grandpa, who I hadn’t seen in a couple weeks. The building had a peaceful atmosphere, staffed with caring nurses. They had beautiful flowers planted outside and a kitchen filled with good food. The building had a weird feeling to it though. It had a certain distinct smell to it, similar to a nursing home or hospital. Though, the more I thought about my grandpa being there made me slowly get more and more upset. The last day I saw my grandfather was the day I realized, to be happy in life, I must accept everything that comes my way and make the most out of the life I was given.
My family and I have been through a lot together, we’ve been through everything that a family should not have to go through but here I stand, in one piece. Without the help of my fellow family members, I don’t know how I would have coped. But I have come out of the whole situation older, wiser and much more
Survivors guilt.... An emotion brought on by a traumatic experience. Thing like watching a fellow soldier or close friend die. In the story, “ The Seventh man” The narrator Goes through watching the death of his best friend K. This experience bring on survivor's guilt talked about in the story “The Moral logic of survivor's guilt.” Even though the narrator of the story had watched K die, he should have been able to forgive himself. Although there is a cost to surviving, no matter what he told himself it was not his fault that K had died so tragically.
Learning that everyone’s time is precious and we should live every moment alongside the people we love the most, because we’ll never be too sure when they’re going to leave us. Till this day it still doesn’t feel real, I keep telling myself that one day she’ll be back and everything will be ok. She was the heart and soul of our family where we all would gather at Thanksgiving time or just on a regular day. Her home was always full of joy and excitement but now it’s full of loneliness and darkness. She is gone now, to a new home, a home called