Willow is a pretty unordinary girl, she has really loving adoptive parents, grows her own herbs in her garden, talks all about statistics, always counts by 7's, and doesn't care what people think of her. She's finally in middle school but even though she loves statistics she isn't very smart so the teachers are suspicious when she does extremely well on her first test. She gets called to the principals office and he determines that she is cheating so he sends her to the district counselor Dell Duke who has seen his fair share of rebels. Along with her "friends" Dell and Quang-Ha she learns the values of having faith. In Counting By 7's by Holly Sloan she and her friends discover that you should always believe in yourself and others that things will work out. One example of why you should have faith is Dell Duke. Dell is the new district counselor and doesn't seem to like his job. Any troubled kid who walks through his door he deems as a loser. He makes an organized system of different categories for all the losers he meets and fits all of them in a category. He has the misfits, the oddballs, the lone wolfs, and finally …show more content…
After Willows parents die she believes that social services will take her away from her only friends. In Counting By 7's Willow said sadly that "They are taking me away from these people, and i don't think I could live without them." She doesn't believe that her friends mother Pattie will get custody of her and will live alone. She doesn't count by 7's, care about statistics, grow herbs in her garden, and more importantly she doesn't believe. At the end of the book she is hauled off to the custody hearing and things go in her favor. "But the important thing is that for today, they are granted, jointly, the guardianship which is on track to not be temporary of a person named Willow Chance." In the end Willow learned a valuable lesson about having faith to save all the
The novel Counting by 7s, by Holly Goldberg Sloan, has a copyrighted date of 2013. The conflict that takes place is how will Willow Chance progress without her parents. Following this, she is living in the moment, unknowing what going to occur in the next chapter of her life. The beginning of book starts of with tragedy that affects Willow as she comes home from ice cream. With counselor, Dell Duke, her new friend Mai, and Mai’s brother. The setting takes place, at Willow’s home pulling up to pavement by her house. Where everyone in the car witnesses a police car at the driveway. As Dell Duke talks to the police, there voices are still audible for Willow to understand. Willow had been conscious of that her beloved ones no longer existed in
Faith is accepting what you are taught or told without trying to prove or disprove it, rather than discovering it through experience. Those who believe in God have faith. It has not been proven that God exists; similarly, it has not been proven that humans are kind, honest, and good by nature. Young Goodman Brown is a character in "Young Goodman Brown," who leaves his known world in Salem village and travels an unknown road in a dark forest in the middle of the night, a common motif in literature better known as the Hero's journey, and is faced with obstacles. He must decide if he will carry his journey out till the end, or turn back and not learn the truth about himself and other
Faith comes in many ways such as religious belief or just believing in someone else. Billy is always faithful that everything will go right. Billy trusts that his surgery on his eyes will go perfectly. “Mr. Savo promised me a three-rounder after my operation,” Billy explained to me eagerly, still staring in the direction of Tony Savo’s voice” (46). This quote
The book sets in with Willow Chance being orphaned. The author writes the whole scene in harsh words yet she makes it easy to imagine. This is one of the most action-packed scenes. It makes readers more connected and eager to know about Willow Chance. Willow
“A genius shoots at something no one else can see, and hits it,”. In Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan, a genius twelve-year-old girl named Willow Chance unexpectedly loses her adopted parents in a devastating car crash. Due to the car crash, Willow must go live temporarily with her new friend Mai and her family. As time goes along Willow finds it hard to cope with her loss but soon learns that she wants her temporary living situation to become permanent. Throughout the novel Willow has shown readers her sense of determination, excellence, and respect.
When discussing faith is it important to look at the word closely and understand its meaning. The basic definition of faith is “confidence or trust in a person; and belief that is not based on proof” (Random House… 693). Whether someone puts their faith in a person or a religious being, faith can be simplified as having
In "Counting by Sevens" by Holly Goldberg Sloan, Dell, and Willow are two characters who share similar traits due to their classification system. Dell's system is "based on the color of people's skin, and their financial circumstances" while Willow's system is "based on the way people smell. " Despite these differences, they both use their classification systems to make sense of the world around them. This similarity is highlighted when Dell tries to explain his system to Willow, who responds with "That's like how I can tell about people by the way they smell. " Both characters also have a strong desire for order and control in their lives.
John Barton, her good friend, helps her to want to live life. John is very depressed and ends up committing suicide even though he had class and wealth. During one of John’s happier moods he gives some good advice to Josie although he does not seem to take it himself. “Just make your decisions and follow them through, Josie.” When John dies Josie is very confused because she thought he had everything. Josie later realises that class and wealth aren't everything and they aren’t what you should base life on. Josie then takes advantage of her life and believes no matter what others think of her, her class and social standing, she can be who ever she wants to be, she isn’t “ready to give up on it”. Josie strongly believes that amongst her peers she isn’t popular and considered foreign. This is changed after she truanted the walk-a-thon and learns that she was actually voted school captain but the job was given to another student. The nuns were worried that Josie would set a bad example because she and her friends were “trendsetters.” “Socially we weren’t as shitty as we thought we were.” After realising that she was voted school captain and she is popular makes her rethink how she should act. She changes her perspective of being not being socially accepted and a “wog” and realises she is the same as everyone else. Josie values her peer’s opinions and they contribute towards her to discovering who
Many people would agree that without faith, the world would be in chaos. The book Christian Foundation by Kathleen Fischer and Thomas Hart gives an interpretation on faith in our time. Many people would question the definition of faith. Faith is a gift, which is given by God to have trust in him and belief in him. This book is a great entry in anyone's life that has speculation on his or her own faith. The book has many ways into understanding ones own religion. It discusses the Bible, Jesus, Church, God's existence and Images of God. All of these chapters helped me get a better interpretation of what my religion entailed.
To this day I still remember the Velveteen Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh, and The Bernstien Bears. There are some books that I remember reading when I was little that I don’t see in libraries or in book stores now. I think that’s because they aren’t as interesting and exciting as others. I think the book I’m reading, Counting By 7’s, is going to be read in the future, because once you read the first page it catches your eye ,and all you’ll want to do is sit down somewhere and finish it. It’s a narrative story because the main character is telling the story.
Yes, I most certainly trust so, faith itself is sufficient to persuade a productive power for change for the great. Be that as it may, having faith alone is insufficient, faith must be joined by work keeping in mind the end goal to be finished, faith without the work is dead. One must begin the venture and after that believe in faith to bring it through. The scriptural meaning of faith from the book of Hebrews11:1, Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
So, the day of the final trial of custody Pattie and Jairo decided to sign the papers to be the rightful guardians of Willow Chance. This changed everything! Willow now knows that basically everything before that was temporary was now forever. She would live with the Nguyens, she would continue her garden, and she would have a loving and caring family. Her problem of not having a permanent lifestyle was now gone, and replaced with a permanent
My grandfather used to say, “You can’t do anything with a man who has faith.” This epithet bears validity in education and mentoring. Faith, although simplistic in word, encompasses several elements. Among all things, an educator must possess Conviction. Thus, it is through my years of teaching and experience, coupled with my faith that will make me a helpful Full Release Mentor to a novice teacher.
What is faith? Scripture tells us in Hebrews 11:1 that “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (NIV) Faith means trusting that various situations will provide results best suited to help us in some way during our life. I’m sure others may have a different opinion; however, throughout my life, that has been the most accurate description.
In this book, you follow the life of Sam who has never had a completely normal life. At Sam’s young age his brother died in a fire and ever since then, he has been haunted by vivid nightmares that leave him gasping for breath. His parents keep reassuring him that these dreams mean nothing, but, they are keeping something from him. On one ordinary day of school, Sam’s life changed forever when he was snatched from his class by a team of strange people who took him on to a plane, and then taken to a place called The Academy, where he finds out the truth about his life. Sam and his new friends, Alex and Eva, have been told about a prophecy that speaks of thirteen people who can save the world