
Contract of Law

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Strategic Alliances are linkages between companies designed to achieve an objective faster or more efficiently than if either firm attempted to do so on its own. The role of strategic alliances in shaping the future course of both industries and individual firms is likely to become even more profound in the next century. The traditional view about Strategic alliances is that they were formed for Defensive to protect profits, Means for preempting competition, and Competitive and win - lose orientation. Today there is a current perspective about strategic alliance that goes beyond the traditional view and it consists of Collaboration can create opportunities for all participants to be successful, Can create multiple sources of …show more content…

From our perspective of the automotive firm, it is working in a single partner relationship with the electronic firm. Managing knowledge flow the partners must get as much learning out of the alliance as possible, yet provide only essential info to partner. Also they should remember learning is the key objective of the alliance. Alliances should be terminated when not useful. Governance issue that should push the partners to establish good and clear structure of how the alliance is being operated. Environmental forces placing new challenges for MNC Cross market integration Economies of scale EOS leads to overproduction which then leads organizations to seek new markets locally and internationally. Economies of Scope: the selling of similar types of product gave companies the opportunity to increase economies of scope. Factor costs: The lack of home country resources of supply means that companies need to look for resources at the lowest possible cost, and where cheaper resources are not available, the move is then made to look for cheaper labor. Liberalizing environments for trade: world trade agreements such as GATT and the formation of the WTO, reduced the barriers of international trades which helped MNC to collect more economic benefits from global coordination.

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