¿Cabe hacer alguna distinción entre las afirmaciones de conocimiento basadas en las observaciones realizadas directamente con los sentidos y las basadas en las observaciones asistidas por medios tecnológicos?
Se sabe que la tecnología actualmente es una herramienta que facilita el trabajo del hombre en la mayoría de los campos en la que esta ha ingresado; y por otro lado los sentidos, considerado como forma básica del conocimiento, han sido las principales herramientas para el trabajo realizado por el humano. Ahora bien en las ciencias al momento de experimentar desde las primeras épocas, sus medios de trabajo se limitaban a los que la percepción sensorial ofrecía, pero la ambición y deseo de avanzar por parte del hombre ha hecho que este recurra a la invención de sofisticados aparatos que faciliten el trabajo, ahorren tiempo y dinero y aumenten eficiencia en resultados, que a lo largo del tiempo han surgido, las cuales con el tiempo han reemplazado a los medios sensitivos del ser humano.
Para entender la distinción que existe entre resultados obtenidos con medios tecnológicos y con los sentidos, usamos ejemplos de experimentos sencillos, tales como la realización de una operación básica en matemática en una hoja versus realizarlo por medio de un computador mediante el programa de Excel, el método manual implica mayor esfuerzo mental, y por ende mayor tiempo empleado, no solo mientras se piensa sino al trazar los números, en comparación con los resultados obtenidos por el
| |Construct medical language associated with the seven approaches to studying the human body. | | |
The main claim to this paper, is to prove, to have effective communication with patients and their
In Jonathan Swift's satirical essay “A Modest Proposal” he addresses the issues of the nation of Ireland and the problems that it is having with its government because it is doing nothing to help their people come up from issues such as poverty, overpopulation and other crudely addressed political issues. In an attempt to solve these national problems, Swift comes up with a very unique and intense proposition on how the problem can be fixed and dealt with. By providing the reader with a combination of all the three rhetorical appeals ethos,logos, and pathos, Swift can easily, slowly, and effectively bring his proposition into view without the reader completely discarding it from consideration as Swift's words take into deliberation the feelings
(P2) – This approach can be applied in health practice such as a Doctors surgery. For example, if a service user is diagnosed with cancer, their treatment may depend on the ill-strength of the individual and whether or not they are able to fight the cancer mentally.
On this paper, the author’s use of the 5 senses was very strong when he first described his tool box. He set his paper
Psychological and social factors are excluded from this model. Excluding these will improve a service provider's understanding of an individuals illness, with the only contribution from biological factors. The main focus of this model is entirely on the individuals health and wellbeing, seeking to treat/cure them through various applications. Reasons for a disease or illness are completely unnecessary. This model of care is implemented through health care professionals as a medical approach. Diseases or illnesses will be approached through diagnosis, treatment and the possibility of a cure. An example of this could be; x-ray, ultrasound, blood tests and so. The action followed from the diagnostic is known as the treatment. Treatment aims to improve an individuals health and wellbeing, for example; hospitalisation, surgery, medication, physiotherapy and so on. To cure an individual means to successfully aid their return to the pre-illness state. The biomedical model has gradually developed and evolved due to the new advances in technology, as well as other advances in areas like; medical science, increased rates in treatments and cures. The concept of the biomedical model of health is usually the first thought that arises when an individual thinks of healthcare. This model informs that no responsibility lies with an individual who has an illness or disease, as both body and mind function
Many researchers have used Descartes’s ideas when studying the brain, nerves and senses. When beginning with the brain we see the work from Hall, Flourens, and Gall. Hall research included the idea that different levels of behavior arise from different parts of the brain and nervous system. Flourens research included that the cerebrum controls higher mental processes. Gall was also a part of the scientists that was trying to map the brain. His work consisted of the confirmation of white and grey matter, nerve fibers connecting on each side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord and fibers connecting both halves of the brain. When it came to the nerves, research done by Galvani, Cajal, and Helmholtz’s were also sought out by Descartes’s. Galvani’s research consisted of nerve impulses were electrical in nature. Then came nerve impulses in the brain and spinal cord by researcher Cajal. Finally, Helmholtz contribution to the support of Descartes’s and even the nineteenth century came the understanding of the speed of nerve impulses. Moreover, senses were also researched during this time and played in the support role in Descartes’s ideas. Fechner and Weber began some studies to understand the senses. Weber looked at the physiology of sense organs, he used experimental methods to understand them. Fechner’s included the
New data will be collected and compiled in the form of observation, staff and volunteers will observe participants, to assess their behavior and knowledge while waiting for further instructions. Observe the participants, presence while making them feel comfortable. Review the records (if some are available) to make plans for treatment. A Spanish written survey might be necessary to administer to the Hispanic community to access their perception to care and staff involvement. Observation will be made on the access of staff interaction and with their behavior amongst the participants. Review of charts (develop), records (if were maintained), training materials will be introduced.
The research topic that I am interested in for this paper is bedside manner. I am interested in exploring its definition, as well as doctor’s role in it. I am also interested in exploring its effectiveness that brings not only healing to the patient, but also make a stronger relationship between doctor and patient. This is related to one of the inquiry above in a way that it directly explore the traditional model of bedside manner and its impact on patient wellness. Additionally, I would like to explore certain illnesses or diseases that can be cured through this kind of diagnosis instead of the use of technology, which is also exploring not only the traditional, but non-traditional model of bedside manner as well, one of the inquiry above.
The quality of care that the patient received from their provider is the great concern of the public. The patients worries that that their health is compromised and sacrifised because of the treatments
Subsequently, the consideration environment is a virtual association with element strategies, work processes, specialized and also ecological conditions. Cooperations and methodologies are rapidly made and performed, coordinating drug, informatics, biomedical designing, data and correspondence advances, bioinformatics, and the group of "omics" trains, for example, genomics. Such an omnipresent wellbeing administrations framework must be focused around the engineering standards of portable figuring (openness autonomous of time and areas for meetings), pervasive registering (extensive interconnection of all performers and techniques for remote perception and mediation), and autonomic processing (self-ruling or versatile framework outline for individualization of administrations). Interconnections to the study of disease transmission and general wellbeing are crucial. The capable and engaged example of phealth frameworks is the subject of consideration, presumably upheld by a wellbeing chief (mentor) who is every now and again settled by the family specialist or an alternate trusted
The patient's judgment, insight and impulse control remains poor. He still unable to provide care for himself and still threatening to run into the busy traffic as he wants the fast running cars hit him to die. He admitted trouble falling asleep, feeling helpless, hopeless and worthless. He said "I want to disappear in this world, my father lied to me, it’s too much for me to stay alive, I can't take it anymore". He insisted that his life is not worth living, still presents disorganized thought process and presents no insight to the consequences of his actions. He still refused to contract for safety, remains a danger to self. He needs a continuous inpatient psychiatric hospital level of care as he refuses top contract for safety.
La evaluación de la carga de trabajo del personal de enfermería ha sido siempre un tema de habitual polémica, matizada por elementos subjetivos y objetivos. Han existido numerosos intentos de estratificar de forma cuantificable -sobre todo en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI)- dicho problema, pero pocos de forma cualitativa y en las Unidades de Urgencias Hospitalarias. En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se ha diseñado un estudio dividido en cinco fases. En esta investigación hemos desarrollado la primera fase siguiendo una metodología cualitativa de tipo etnográfico. El objetivo principal, en dicha fase, será explorar la percepción de sobrecarga laboral que sufren los profesionales de enfermería de Urgencias Hospitalarias. Será unicéntrico y se ajustará a un diseño cualitativo con perspectiva etnográfica. La población diana estará formada por enfermera/os de urgencias hospitalarias de un hospital del Servicio Murciano de Salud. No se determina la muestra ya que se prevé utilizar un muestreo de conveniencia hasta la saturación de los datos. La técnica de recogida de datos será la observación-participante (participación-observación), realización de entrevistas semi-estructuradas en profundidad y, posteriormente, en el desarrollo de las fases restantes se ampliará a otros hospitales y también se crearán grupos de discusión con las enfermera/os de urgencias incluidos en este estudio. La mayoría de los estudios realizados hasta el momento son casi exclusivamente de
Establecer el nivel de integración de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, tanto por los docentes como por los estudiantes del Liceo Fernando Arturo de Meriño de Cevicos, es un tema que preocupa a los sustentantes de la investigación, ya que es posible que los docentes sean apáticos al uso de tecnologías como: laptop, proyector multimedia, pizarras digitales, Internet, blog, manejo de plataformas virtuales, libros digitales, entre otros recursos tecnológicos, los cuales conllevan a mejorar la calidad educativa de los estudiantes de todos los niveles educativos.
b) Creían lograrlo por “intuición progresiva” de la esencia, origen y destino de toda la naturaleza, de la cual se sabían partes privilegiadas, por tener “conciencia”, “imaginación” y “sentimiento”.